Doctor, I'm being plagued by the most awful nightmares imaginable.
And how does that make you feel?
Clammy, sweaty, frightened and with a vast emptiness in my soul.
The soul is a construct we shall examine in the next session. But tell me about these dreams.
Well, Doctor, it's night after night and there are so many. Just last night, I dreamt that my call to the SASSA helpline went through in ten minutes and the service was excellent.
Doctor shakes his head, a frown gathering on his large, intelligent forehead.
Then there was the one in which I was able to make an online booking at Home Affairs. I breezed in and out in two hours.
What does that mean, hmmm? That sounds bad.
There, there, calm yourself. Breathe deeply and think of the Springboks. Go on.
There was the one in which taxes, petrol and food prices were lowered because the deadwood and thieves in politics had been removed and vast sums of public money recovered.
Sweat gathers on patient's brow. His hands and voice tremble.
Then, I dreamt - a stifled sob - that it was 2025. The ANC had been thrashed at the polls, gone into exile in Limpopo and the Eastern Cape. The EFF had reinvented itself as an off-the-wall comedy show and there were even a few signs of normality and commmonsense returning in South Africa. Oh, God!
Buries his face in his hands, shoulders shaken by great, uncontrollable sobs.
The doctor presses a glass of rare Joburg water on him and a box of tissues made in China.
Do you actually expect any of these things to happen?
A shake of the head and another wipe with the tissues.
Then we're not so far gone that what you have can't be easily remedied. Wahnvorstellungen, Delusions of Normality, first identified by Erich von Strumpfnagel during the Hitler years. A condition affecting those who fail to understand and accept that the inmates have been running the institution for some time. Spend a few days in the Eastern Cape, Limpopo and at Home Affairs. I can guarantee you that not a single illusion will remain to haunt you.
Oh, Doctor, how can I thank you?
By paying cash. SARS is disembowelling me.
Tips for the blogger gratefully accepted
Capitec Bank, South Africa
O Tichmann
+27 833970723