Monday, 22 July 2024

Protecting the CIC

Dear EFF Comrades

I value the wonderful exchanges that we've had on TikTok and YouTube. Almost as much as your Great Leaders value quality garments and accessories.

I'm very moved by how sensitive you are. You protect your CIC with the same passion as those honourable members who once vowed to protect Zuma with their backsides. Touching stuff - really. I suppose that gives a whole new meaning to 'rear guard'.

TikTok expressed some concern about the 'aggressive' and in their own words, 'bullying' responses to some of my videos... They suggested ways that I could cut you off. Now why would I want to do that? Your responses are most entertaining -  unimaginative, somewhat pathetic - but entertaining still. I hope that you like that I 'like' all your responses. 

Someone suggested that he could set up a debate for me with Mr Malema. Who am I to debate with Mr Malema? He is, after all, the great commander-in-chief of ground forces as numerous as the sands of the polluted Durban sea. We witnessed how they almost swept him into power. I am just an ordinary South African citizen. Even that is in doubt, according to EFF theology. My grandfather was German and my grandmother South African. I suspect that your dogma would be that I should go back to Germany. I have never been there, so I suppose I can't really go back. But I do get your drift. Perhaps I'll find a creative way to get there. Suggestions welcome. I'm not overly fond of sausages and beer. On the other hand, we South Africans are very adaptable and I suppose I could get used to it. After all,  over the years, we've got used to pathetic debates, absolute rubbish for political discourse, dismal leadership, galloping 
 corruption and everything else that makes South Africa a truly great country to live in. I might as well have a debate with Donald Trump or the school bully. 

It's fascinating that those who dole out insults like VBS handouts find it so heart- wrenching to take a jab or two in return. But hey, I understand.  Don't touch the C.I.C. It's like mucking about with a high priest or even whatever god it is that he serves.

I would also be protective of a great leader who holds in his mighty hands the promise of free Gucci, Dolce and Gabbana, and land. 

Yes, I can see you guys in power. No.
Nonsense with you -  all action. Moer anyone who gets in the way of dialectical materialism, CIC worship, or any of the however many pillars that you have. I can see the quality of debate and political discourse in the land soaring heavenward.

I suspect that many of you would like me to stop writing about the CIC. Call it a hunch. How can I, when I grow with every flip flop and insult that he scatters abroad? Long long live the CIC and may he and you continue to provide me with the wonderful material that I so appreciate.. See you on Tiktok  and on YouTube, my dear Comrades.

Yours in the struggle to protect Great Leaders.


Tips for the blogger gratefully accepted 

Capitec Bank, South Africa  
O Tichmann 
+27 833970723