Dear Mr Ramaphosa
People just don't understand how hard it is being president. So many people to please. So little time.
I am glad that you haven't squandered precious time on such issues as out-of- control crime, crumbling infrastructure, galloping corruption, incompetence and buffoonery in high places, and everything else that makes us a great nation. Don't get me wrong. These things are, of course, important to the little people. But one needs to understand the great game. Smoke, mirrors Orwell's Newspeak and Double think. I am pleased to see that you have taken the bull by the testicles and gone for the big, sexy stuff - the Bela Bill, expropriation and, no doubt, more to come.
People have been saying that you have no spine. Well I think that you have now shown them that you can fu..., sorry shake things up as well as the next man. I think you have just become as controversial as Trump. Of course he has some real power and resources. But who needs all that when you have historical unrighteous indignation, the accusatory finger and powerful comrades on your side.
So glad to see that you've not been distracted by trivia. After all, people die somewhere every day. Also glad to see that you remember the important rule of high politics: when troubles come, find something significant (if useless) to refocus attention.
I love the way you focus on the things that are bound to bring national unity, pride and inclusiveness. Nation building, right?
Talking of Trump, good for you, thumbing your nose at him. So we lose a whole lot of trade, jobs, grants for NGOs to do the jobs that government is failing to do...So what? At least we'll have our pride. And our friends in far away places in the Middle East and Eurasia to console us. What more does a country need?
Some say also that you are leading us rapidly down the road to another Zimbabwe. Stuff and nonsense! We are way past that on our way to our own special, imaginary Uhuru. It will eclipse everything that Zimbabwe has done in the fertile fields of transformation. (A rude friend says that, in much of Africa, transformation = trashing the hotel room most thoroughly. What does he know, bloody agent?). Is it not true that if you can believe it, then you can see it? While you flit around the world stage, making earth-shattering pronouncements, unifying your country and putting all your people first, as always, your ministers are rather quiet. That is, except for the gnu ones. Perhaps if one is going to continue down the jolly paths of banqueting while buggering things up, it is a good idea to do it quietly.
You will certainly long be remembered as the man who, with his faithful companions, stuf....,sorry, shook South Africa up as never before. While many South Africans are hungry, it's good to know that at least there are many promises and sparkling visions to fill the belly in the interim. One day, when the smart cities are doing whatever smart cities do and the bullet trains are speeding along, people will understand and appreciate your genius. As the day is most unlikely to come anytime soon, in the meantime let's just call you the biggest bullsh...., sorry, meant to say pinch hitter of all time. (Bloody autocorrect and predictive text!).
It was on your watch that the concept of our country having much fokol to offer her own people and the world came to full fruition. (remember how we loaded the Russian ship with tons of fokol, according to our so-called minister of defence?).
Yes, you will be remembered.
Yours in the struggle to mount the steep stairs of statementship.
Tips for the blogger gratefully accepted
Capitec Bank, South Africa
O Tichmann
+27 833970723