Friday 24 May 2024

Marching to Pretoria

Dear ANC Youth League 

So you marched against crime in South Africa.

I don't suppose that you have noticed that your party is actually responsible for law and order in the country.

So did the criminals quake in their boots as you marched down the street in your bright, canary yellow? Or did they quake with laughter?

One friend says that it's rather like Scotland Yard marching against crime. Another says that it's more like the mafia marching against crime. I, of course, thought that disrespectful and shushed them. When are you guys going to stop clowning, in the midst of a crisis that is devastating our people? Your antics are occasionally funny, but right now, they're just tiresome. With all due respect.

Let's talk frankly. Your minister of police is about as effective as a dead camel in the desert. Less. At least one could eat the camel, at a pinch. We have a minister who piles up those voyager miles Like Anthony Blinken on steroids, scattering the most bizarre utterances,as he flies from press conference to funeral to pointless gathering. Does he have a strategy?  Does he know what a strategy is?

Perhaps I have missed the occasions.
when he laid out crime-fighting plans, dazzling in their brilliance. I have heard him chatter of pretty girls and Zama Zamas, the tattoo peril, the challenges of population growth and other stuff, mystifying, coming from one of such lofty status. Or any adult.

The one sensible thing  that he did say was that the criminals should smell the police. Now that has to be a cutting edge approach to crime fighting. I am not sure what the criminals would smell but I imagine that your average inKabi or other villain would sink to the ground, overcome.

What puzzles me is that Mr Cele has not been promoted yet. Is it not your party's custom and practice to promote people for non-performance or for naughty deeds? Why not an ambassadorial post for Mr Cele? There must be an island somewhere, with a population of fifty that would thrill to his crime fighting philosophy and tales of 
derring do.

As for you, Youth League chaps, if the youth are the future and you are representative of the youth, then the future does look somewhat cloudy. I suggest that you get proper jobs. Do something a bit more useful than tramping up and down the streets. If you like marching so much, there's always the army. There you can march to your heart's content.

We are compassed about with problems and horrors. And your solution is to march aimlessly. I sincerely hope to see you march off into the sunset on the twenty-ninth of May.

Yours in the struggle for meaningful action.



Tips for the blogger gratefully accepted 

Capitec Bank, South Africa  
O Tichmann 
+27 833970723


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