Dear Shoe - Fitting Politicians
You've had a hard time of it lately.
You have been accused of an entire alphabet of sins, from asininity, through buffoonery and corruption to the zumarisation of a once thriving country.
In Christian charity, I am going to be gentle with you. I am not going to accuse you of having handled our current disaster like keystone cops on nyaope. I will not point out that your intelligence was as useful as the Titanic's SOS message. Nor will I compare your troop deployment to locking the stable door after the entire herd has rampaged through the neighbourhood. If only you'd done that with the nimbleness with which large sums were redeployed on your watch.
I will resist the temptation to comment on your supernatural powers of invisibility in the heat of crisis. Followed, of course, by your mystical ability to materialize at the opportune time.
I vow that I will not snigger at the story of the diligent people's representative. It goes thus. He tells the only people who have stood between their communities and destruction - get this - he tells them to stand down. His version of John vuli gate? (Oh, get behind me satan!). I am sure he will be remembered for this his finest hour, when the sacrifice and the grit of the people of South Africa is spoken of.
May you sleep well.