This tweet from Jonathan Jansen:
Yes, this too shall pass.
In the meantime, the misruling party, all well-paid, well-fed politicians and that disaster called Eskom need to be made to get off their swollen butts and do what they should have been doing all along.
We are in crisis. Closer to catastrophe than ever. Only the ANC and others wno live one clichè, one useless slogan at a time, cannot see. We need to help them concentrate what's left of their minds. A couple of marches alone will probably not pierce the veils of arrogance, stupidity and whatever else impedes. I suspect that the equivalent of the biblical ten plagues will be needed to get through to our own plump pharaohs.
The most comprehensive, multi-pronged
demonstration of anger and disgust ever seen in South Africa is called for. And it should continue until this too has passed.
We are in crisis. We have to close the circus down. Stop the schoolyard pushing, shoving and sticking out of tongues. The whingeing, the whining, the mumbled excuses and the high pitched accusations are a waste of precious time.
Fires need to be put out, not preached to or pop-philosophized about. Our politicians don't know the difference. It's been a long time coming. Our politicians have been preaching to the fires for almost thirty years. And we are burned.
Messrs Zuma, Malema and your play group, if you plan to bring your usual, shrill offerings, don't. The chihuahua-like yapping is distracting. We are miserable enough.
Let there be marches. Let there be a range of actions to embarrass, inconvenience and discomfort those responsible, as we have been discomforted for so long. Until we see a real project plan and the first steps accomplished,
I believe it's time to remove the state - supplied generators from the homes of politicians. I believe that their water should be turned off at intervals. Let them play their part in the struggle. If the media people had some courage, they would ignore the state of the nation address and its obscene fashion show.
I like the notion of a daily five minute silent stoppage. I like the notion of black ribbons all over the country. That's not important. This link is: