Dear ANC and EFF
I am intrigued by your bold initiatives to improve the lot of the poor and the disadvantaged.
This inspirational news item:
The ANC-led eThekwini Municipality wasted R500,000 in 40 minutes after ‘sabotaging’ a special council meeting it had called to elect a new deputy mayor on Thursday (Daily Maverick)
A friend says that, as you continue, in this vein, in the valiant struggle against WMC, Stratcom, other abbreviations, apartheid and van Riebeeck, the poor shall be disadvantaged no more. They will be f...d instead. I'm a little perplexed by that (he's one of those clever blacks that one keeps hearing about).
I am a little disappointed that, instead of applying an African solution to an African problem, you followed the lead of a white European (I'm assuming that there are Europeans of other hues). Remember that Nero chappie? He who danced the Jerusalema or something while Rome burned. He was nuts, of course. You, clearly, are not. It takes great clarity of mind to pull off something as devious as you did.
I also find your approach to politics and electioneering most enlightened. There's something about a succulent lamb chop on the braai, a T shirt artistically embroidered with revolutionary slogans, that just makes those problems of corruption, incompetence and neglect melt away. Don't pay any attention to that nebulous stuff about integrity, service delivery, vision etc. That's just colonialistspeak. It's a subtle form of racism. After all, where would we be if we'd paid attention to that nonsense? Do you think the comrades would have had their mansions, cars and gym-toned midriffs?
Comrades, 2024 beckons like the handwriting on Belshazzar's wall. Just as portentous. I am sure that you have meat wholesalers to scope out, T-shirt tenders to attend to (BBBEE suppliers, of course). All those onerous burdens of the dedicated People's Party.
No doubt the voters will pay rapt attention to your ranti..., pardon, your reasoned arguments in favour of peace, prosperity and goodwill to all illegal immigrants. No doubt they will make wise choices based on the answers to the hard questions, such as:
Whose heaven on earth sounds most enticing?
Who does the best chops?
Which branded T-shirt looks best?
Before I reluctantly take my leave of you (for I grow in your presence), a small matter: when will you be paying back the money?
Yours in the struggle for competent, ethical government.
Tips for the blogger gratefully accepted
Capitec Bank, South Africa
O Tichmann
+27 833970723