Don't you feel privileged? Advice, letters and recommendations descend upon us. Those who have romped in the fields of righteousness, ethics and integrity have seen fit to bless us with their wisdom and knowledge.
Who better? Running the gauntlet of fraud, racketeering and corruption charges, serving gaol time, wallowing in rumour and scandal; surely that must qualify one to tender quality comment. Surely? After all, didn't the poet say: "A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. Drink deep..."?
Those European and other politicians, rightly and roundly condemned by Twitter sages for being the meddling neo-colonists that they are, have been known to resign at a whiff of scandal. Silly buggers. What do they know? Our blokes are made of sterner stuff. They smell, touch, taste, fondle and move on. Upward and onward. That's tenacity.
Reminds me of that song: 'We Are Climbing Jacob's Ladder'. Good, old-fashioned spiritual.
While we are on matters spiritual, let him, then, who is without odour, cast the first stink bomb.
The scuffle continues.