Monday, 31 August 2020

The Right(eous) Stuff

Dear Fellow South Africans 

 Don't you feel privileged? Advice, letters and recommendations descend upon us. Those who have romped in the fields of righteousness, ethics and integrity have seen fit to bless us with their wisdom and knowledge.

 Who better? Running the gauntlet of fraud, racketeering and corruption charges, serving gaol time, wallowing in rumour and scandal; surely that must qualify one to tender quality comment. Surely? After all, didn't the poet say: "A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. Drink deep..."? 

 Those European and other politicians, rightly and roundly condemned by Twitter sages for being the meddling neo-colonists that they are, have been known to resign at a whiff of scandal. Silly buggers. What do they know? Our blokes are made of sterner stuff. They smell, touch, taste, fondle and move on. Upward and onward. That's tenacity. 

Reminds me of that song: 'We Are Climbing Jacob's Ladder'. Good, old-fashioned spiritual. While we are on matters spiritual, let him, then, who is without odour, cast the first stink bomb. 

 The scuffle continues. 


Sunday, 30 August 2020

Atypical Transient Global Amnesia

What is Atypical Transient Global Amnesia (herinafter referred to as ATGA)? 

 A serious ailment, affecting, in the main, politicians, villains and debtors. Has been known to vacuum all recollection of blunders, misdemeanours, felonies, debts.

 How and when was this condition discovered? 

 In South Africa, March 2017, when Mr Koko, formerly of Eskom, exhibited clear symptoms. The writer of this article is himself a sufferer and has been researching since the days of Richard Nixon, an early victim. 

 What is the rate of infection in South Africa? 

 We've seen a rapid rise since the days of Mr Koko. Messrs Zuma, Martins, Zwane and many, many others seem to have been affected. The case of Mr Ndzeku is of particular interest. In a full-blown attack, it appears that his antibodies were decimated. 

 What should one do to avoid infection? 

 Certain environments exacerbate the condition. Commissions of inquiry are to be avoided. The same applies to principals' offices, SARS premises etc. Sweaty palms, itchy scalps, the onset of stuttering, are some of the warning signs.

 Is there a cure? 

 Not at present. The Mann Establishment for Research into Dire Emergencies (MERDE), is hard at work. I am currently in Namaqualand, testing dried bat urine (scientific name: vlermuispis), which is reputed to work wonders for toothache. We are also looking into the use of controlled doses of marijuana. Results are as yet inconclusive but the latter remedy does seem to leave the subjects quite cheerful. Even mirthful.

 The struggle continues.

Friday, 28 August 2020

Lost In Translation?

Inspired by the eloquence of philosopher Dr Ace and elder statesman Mr Zuma: a letter written some time ago. 

 Dear Mr Former President

 Congratulations to you and to Dr Ace on your contribution to the elegant cut and thrust of political discourse. I once thought your coining of the word 'meandos' was a crowning achievement. Your comment on state capture - 'just people doing things with other people', was a gem (echoes of Simon and Garfunkel?). It could mean anything at all and nothing at all; surely the highest form of politspeak - a sort of tenth dan achievement in the noble art. The only problem is that it is wide open to all sorts of salacious interpretation. 

 Dr Ace was not to be outdone. His treatise on when a meeting is not a meeting or may be a meeting but not the sort of meeting we consider a meeting, is....masterful. "I met with Zuma but I did not intend on meeting with Zuma as a meeting is not necessarily a meeting to meet individuals but rather a meeting intended to meet with him in a capacity that we had already met." This was probably a prime example of people doing things with other people - just not with individuals. Students of English and political science will surely study and analyse this piece for years to come.  

A letter on the editorial page of the Sunday Times hinted at your planning a Schwarzenegger - type comeback. Plots were said to be hatched at top Durban hotels. If so, good choice, sir. I can think of worse plot-hatching venues than The Maharani. I've heard that the food is excellent and would gladly join you should you again feel the need to hatch....anything.

 I take issue with the plotting allegations. For Dr Ace to compose that linguistic Gordian knot must surely have taken up the entire meeting. Precious little time left for any plotting worthy of the name. I firmly believe your meetings have been about shaping and polishing your oratorical skills. We look forward to more. 

 Yours in the quest for the perfect soundbite. 


Sunday, 23 August 2020

This Tender Land

Dear ANC

 You have opened up a world (or is it underworld?) of possibilities.

 You don't get much more broad based than extending deals to include those who have shuffled off this mortal coil. I refer, of course, to the rather handsome tender awarded to a departed businessman. 

Are we moving to ERET, Extreme Radical Economic Transformation? This should be celebrated, not condemned. Groundbreaking stuff. Bugger the moon landing, Mars trips and Elon Musk's achievement. You really should go big with the communication on this one. So many people will be dead keen to know more. 

I'm disappointed in TV news. Finding nothing locally, I checked Sky, the BBC, Al Jazeera, the lot. Nothing, zip, dololo. I guess it shows the lengths to which the WMC media will go to suppress, nay bury, your achievements. 

 I trust that you have roped in Prophet / Pastor / Bishop Lukau. He is one of our pioneers in fetching people from the 'undiscovered country from whose bourn no traveller returns'. (Take that, William). He could probably help you to reach out to more candidates for tenders.

 Pardon me for digging into insignificant details, but how do you pay? Some sort of crypt currency, I assume. Ethereal? You've had a lot of bad press recently. Time to resurrect your ratings, I'd say. 

 Yours in the struggle to redistribute wealth as widely as possible.


Friday, 21 August 2020

Dark City - In Praise Of Eskom

Dear Eskom 

 Thank you. 

 At last I understand the biblical prophecy: 'Behold, the darkness shall cover the earth and gross darkness the people...' I just never realized how involved you would be in its fulfilment. If you had been there at the writing of Genesis, it would probably have read something like: God said: 'Let there be light'. And Eskom replied: 'Ja, well, no fine'. 

 ERMA. the East Rand Muggers' Association asked me to convey heartfelt thanks. It's been a bumper season. Our streets have always been poorly lit but they appreciate that you guys don't go in for half measures. An acquaintance in the alternative shopping business asked if you could supply a six month schedule. Christmas is not that far off and he'd like to draw up his quarterly plans. Wants to fit in several Black Fridays. 

 We do understand that it's been an incredibly tough balancing act for you guys. Running a (dark) comedy show, power utility and testing unique economic and business theories all in one go. You must be almost burned out.

 We do try to make the most of it. Sitting in the gloom, singing old favourites like 'Candle In The Wind' and the one about the lights all going out in Massachusetts. Also playing fun games like 'Guess The Next Electricity Hike'. 

 I'm dreaming of a bright Christmas but also heeding the advice of Dylan Thomas: 'Do not go gentle into that good night'. This is the East Rand, after all.

 Power to the people! 


Tips for the blogger gratefully accepted 

Capitec Bank, South Africa  
O Tichmann 
+27 833970723

Dead Poets And Politicians

This was written before the last election. 

 What would the dead poets have said about South Africa? Let's tweak Wordsworth: 
 Nine years have passed 
Nine summers with the length of nine long winters 
And again we see these waters rolling from corrupted springs.... 

 As we approach our Rubicon, die in hand, it might help to remember the words of e e cummings: 'A politician is an a...e.' Not always true. Sometimes insulting to a...s. Still, it's true often enough to warn us to cast the die with great care. 

 Louis MacNeice might have been cautioning us (slightly cannibaiized):

 Our freedom as free lances
lanced Advances towards its end;
 This earth compels, 
upon it cliches and curses descend; 
And soon, my friend, 
We shall have no time for dances.

 And he may well have our measure as a country, in these lines: 

 We are dying, Egypt, dying 
And not expecting pardon 
Hardened in heart anew... 

 Please vote carefully. We may say in time: 'Now is the winter of our discontent made summer....' Or: Four years have passed Four summers with the length Of four harsh winters....

Thursday, 20 August 2020

Eye Of The Tiger

Dear Mr Malema 

 I am concerned that you have not been your ebullient, voluble self lately.

 The stage two darkness reminded me of your treatment at the hands of the ever - treacherous WMC media. You once reportedly complained (last year) that eNCA distorted images of you, making you appear darker than you are. And there was I thinking that that was how you actually looked. Is there no limit to their cunning and depravity? They probably also tried to make you look fatter and shorter than you are (I'm sure you are neither). No wonder that you banned some of them from your press conferences. May they never darken your doorstep again. 

 Adding insult to injury was the journalist who called you a p..s. I wasn't familiar with the word. I had a sheltered upbringing (people at the shelter spoke only English). The Oxford and Cambridge dictionaries were no help. I assumed from the similarity in spelling and pronunciation that he was calling you a pussycat. An outrage. I was most indignant. That's akin to calling a tiger a domestic tabby. Sir, one may question your fighting technique but never your resolve. The technique issue is easily addressed through some martial arts training and my earler offer remains open ('Kung Fu': March 2017).

 I do hope that, in this time of great distress, the WMC press will forsake the dark side for a transparent approach to news reporting. 

 Yours in the struggle for balance and objectivity (plus some land).
