Tuesday, 8 March 2022

Russia, Ukraine: The Wisdom Of Zuma

 Dear Mr Zuma 

So glad you took time off from your literary endeavours to present us with a cogent, clear-eyed analysis of the current Russian peace initiative and the history behind it. 

Indeed, after reading your piece,  I felt as if I'd  just been blessed with a double dose of McCords Hospital's  Eye Division's special eyedrops. You know, the ones that make everything look clearer and brighter.

In a piece as dense and rich with logic and wisdom as a good fruitcake is with fruit and brandy, it's difficult to highlight specific nuggets. Sir, I'll give it my best shot.

Mr Putin, the man of peace has been tormented by Western warmongers and their running dogs for decades. They have now forced him into a position where he has no choice but to murder great numbers of people. And shell cities to smithereens. The cruel bastards. To force a man of peace into such a position.

The same dark (or pale?) Western forces were behind your redeployment to inKandla. I should think also behind Mr Mbeki"s redeployment. The Russians, faithful friends, have not forgotten. I believe that the letter Z on their war machines is a tribute to you. 'Remember Zuma'. Similar to 'Remember Stalingrad'.

You pointed out that the West has bombed many cities into ruins. Our Russian comrades are going through Ukraine as gingerly and gently as a herd of elephants in the Knysna forests. 

Sir, there's much more to chew, meditate and ruminate on in your seminal piece and I hope, like Schwarzenegger, to be back soon.

Yours in the struggle to pierce the propaganda veil and to cauterize the warts on the mottled face of history 


Tips for the blogger gratefully accepted 

Capitec Bank, South Africa  
O Tichmann 
+27 833970723

Sunday, 6 March 2022

Espionage And Education

 Dear Mr Fraser

Like other comrades, yours truly among them, you have had accusations  and innuendo hurled at you touching your academic struggle. An excerpt from a News24 report:

'Referring to the allegation that he might have lied to various state departments, including the SSA, about his degree, Mabuza said on Fraser's behalf that it was "preposterous and shameful" to suggest that he had lied about the qualifications that are recorded on his "official CV".'

As a former bouncer and student of life, I am compelled to come to your defence. I attended several institutions of learning between bouncing assignments. Although I didn't register for any particular course and was there mainly for the free coffee, I did learn a great deal from the odd free lecture. I can recite Hamlet's famous soliloquy from memory. And just to prove that it was not mere parrot-fashion.learning, here's  an insightful  analysis of the piece:

1. It reminds me of our president with the whole 'Eish! To be or not to be' thing.

2 It would make a powerful  rap song against a background of some throbbing percussives and a rolling, rhythmic chant of 'That is the question'

3.That Danish guy could have summarized it all in a few sentences e.g. 

'Should I die,  put up with being dissed or donner somebody? Tough choices. Don't know what's out there. I'll chill for now.'

An approach adhered to by SA politicians to this day.

(I've shared this with a UCT professor for inclusion in his lectures, free of charge).

The point is, sir, all of the above aligns with the theory of social constructivism  in education. If not all the rage now, at least a significant part of the rage.  

I quote:

"Every conversation or encounter between two or more people presents an opportunity for new knowledge to be obtained or present knowledge expanded".

If you were, indeed, a bouncer, you would have had more conversations and encounters than the average undergraduate student. That would suggest that you are highly educated. It would explain why you were able to transition effortlessly from spy boss to One Who Can Release Persons From Confinement On Grounds Of Ill Health.

As no South African argument is complete without 'whatabout', no-one questioned the credentials of James Bond, The Man From U.N.C.L.E or Mata Hari (all Caucasian).

At any rate, In terms of social constructivism theory, acquiring an education  in spying is fairly simple. We are bombarded  with spy novels, series, movies and news reports. It would not surprise me to learn that, even now, elements of Mossad, American NSI and  our own superior intelligence outfits are scanning this article for suspicious references to insurrections and other subversive stuff. I can confidently say that, courtesy of good books and movies, I've learnt to watch my six, practise tradecraft, shake off or disable shadows and kill with everyday objects ranging from a pencil to a grain of rice. Nothing to it.

The journey is as important as the destination, says the theory. You journeyed all the way to London. That must count for something.

In a challenge to the establishment and WMC, bound to resound in and shake the ivory towers of academia, I'm applying for a PhD on the basis of prior learning completed.  My dissertation, 'Education By Osmosis' will be ready for publication at the same time as my book,  'Espionage Made Easy'.

Yours in the struggle against accusations, innuendo and preposterous and shameful stuff.


Tips for the blogger gratefully accepted 

Capitec Bank, South Africa  
O Tichmann 
+27 833970723

Friday, 4 March 2022

Last Train For The Coast

Dear Fellow South Africans 

Do you also suspect that commonsense, decency and truth 'caught the last train for the coast' in our country? And we were not even at the station to see them off.

Didn't get there, of course. The railway sleepers had been stolen. The train had been set alight and the province was in flames.

Our television programmes are sure proof. Some wise soul was dispensing advice today on how to cope with steeply rising costs. Apart from stating the obvious, as is customary, he advised: "Don't buy luxuries."
Dear man, it's not the luxuries that people are struggling with. It's the bloody necessities. Unless you consider paraffin, bread and maize meal as luxuries. I rather doubt that my fellow residents are agonizing over which brand of Swiss chocolate to buy, as they stare in horror at the shelves in the local supermarket. Call it a hunch. 

A 'political commentator' listed the shortcomings, blunders and failures of the (barely) ruling party. He then went on to say, in essence, that there are no alternatives to said ruling party. What a useless piece of commentary. "They're destroying the country. We need to let them continue. They just maybe might self-correct before the last bits are gone." (My prècis). Arrant nonsense and an insult to the intelligence of South Africans. "This inferior, dubbed version of 'The Three Stooges' is the best that South Africa and South Africans can do." My advice, Mr Political Commentator: "Go back to standup comedy."

Adding insult to insult were some SALGA people. We don't throw money at problems. We throw words. SALGA guys, if a full grown adult, in a position of trust, is happy to wallow in a mud bath of incompetence, corruption, buffoonery and slothfulness, all the training in the world will not change that. It's too late. All the king's horses and all the king's men can't fix that malodorous omelette. There are other opportunities for them in the big, bright world. 

I don't understand why you need to reinvent the wheel, horse and cart. We've all heard of budgets, goals, objectives. We all know how performance management works. Just do it. And allow those who can't, to depart for their happy places. We don't need more conferences. We don't need a deluge of clichès and platitudes to rival the retching of a reckless clubber the morning after.

We just need, even in this late hour, for officials to shut up and work.

Some commonsense, please.

Yours in the heroic struggle to retain a grip on sanity.



Tips for the blogger gratefully accepted 

Capitec Bank, South Africa  
O Tichmann 
+27 833970723


Monday, 28 February 2022

Kaunda and Klitschko: Fighting Mayors

Dear Mr Kaunda

In South Africa, we often underrate our own officials. To test this, I did a comparison between Vitali Klitschko, mayor of Kyiv (Ukraine) and you, Mr Kaunda,  mayor of our own  Durban.

With war at his front door, Klitschko is not fleeing his city. He is standing. You also stood during our difficult time in July 2021. You stood with Zuma. According to testimony you gave about your fascinating Twitter activity.

Klitschko is a former boxer and clearly still a fighter. You vowed, not so long ago, to fight corruption. I imagine that makes you, too, a fighter of sorts. Though, you are still to land a blow of any significance in your bruising battle.

Incidentally part of your testimony was that police were stretched. I suppose it was stretching it to expect you to do something about it. Hmm, let's see. Ah, maybe call in some help? That's what comrades are for, right? I think there may be some other law and order forces somewhere in the country. You know, like the Yanks call in the national guard? But maybe it's unfair to ask that of you. After all, you were only a mayor with a mayor's responsibilities and powers.

I have an idea that may sound ridiculous at first, but what the heck. Nothing wrong with some creativity. Why not have an exhibition match with Mr Klitschko in the near future. It would be wonderfully symbolic of your looming battle with the Goliath of corruption. I suggest bare knuckles to emphasize the bruising nature of that encounter. What a colourful, inspirational metaphor for the common struggle of mankind for a better, cleaner world. You could teach him something about the fighting spirit of our KZN officials. Should it go the other way, with your getting slightly moered, that's also good. A few bumps and bruises for your city and your province. Its what we've come to expect from our fighting ANC representatives - taking one for the team.Klitschko was nicknamed Dr Ironfist. We could do something colourfully Durban-appropriate for you. Dr Papayafist? Dr Stickyfist (humidity)?

You like, sir?

Yours in the struggle for government that stays and fights for the good folk of KZN.


Tips for the blogger gratefully accepted 

Capitec Bank, South Africa  
O Tichmann 
+27 833970723

Sunday, 27 February 2022

Spasibo, Loyal Comrades

 Dear Comrades in South Africa


In this historic hour, I, Mikhail Donorovsky, send revolutionary greetings.

I know that many of you stand with us and the oppressed peoples of the world. 

You are aware of our   peace mission to Ukraine, with our usual entourage of 190 000 soldiers, some armour and planes for the odd, symbolic fly-past. The purpose was to reassure Russian patriots suffering under the Nazi jackboot of heroin-addicted politicians that we stand with them in their hour of horrific suffering.  Inevitably, Western warmongers and their media running dogs twisted our peace initiative into a gross invasion narrative. We believe that the
crack-smoking, swastika waving criminals shelled their own cities in a typically provocative, defamatory ploy. 

We know that you South African comrades see through such CIA-inspired ruses.

One day soon, God willing, the Soviet giant will rise again from slumber.  Sorry, I forgot momentarily that we don't believe in Comrade God. Comrade Vlad willing. 

On that note, there were some  beastly myths and lies spread abroad by the diseased, decadent western propaganda machinery about the glorious Union. One was that citizens were not allowed to leave. Of course they were. But any citizens desiring to leave the socialist paradise for the brothels and drug dens of the West were clearly not in their right minds. We did what any caring government would do. We sent them into rehabilitation for their own safety. Pravda, in those days, was full of letters of gratitude from rehabilitated citizens.

There was also the lie about the party elite living in luxury while citizens suffered. You know that, like your own party,  we drive (fully armoured) Mercedes Benzes for the people. We drink vodka with their lips. 

There are no depths of decadence, depravity and deceit to which the enemies of the revolution will not stoop. Spasibo for clear-eyed, clear-headed comrades like you.

We are thankful for your unwavering support and loyalty in these difficult times.

Yours in the revolutionary struggle.


Tips for the blogger gratefully accepted 

Capitec Bank, South Africa  
O Tichmann 
+27 833970723


Friday, 25 February 2022

Bloodymir Putin

 Dear Mr Putin

Inspired by our foreign minister's bold statement about helping ease tensions in Ukraine, I decided to add my two roubles' worth. Before the rouble falls further. 

I notice that the international media make no mention of our sterling efforts. Typical of the EAMC media (European and American Monopoly Controlled). 

A friend calls you Bloodymir Putin. 

So you set in motion an episode of murder and destruction, euphemistically called 'war', 'occupation' etc.  That's  no reason, I told him,  to be rude and insulting. After all, you are a leader on the global stage. One with vision. A sick, warped vision, to be sure. Still a vision.

Some say, Mr Putin, that you were put out by the notion of having NATO playing camping in your backyard. Others aver that your nocturnal emissions are all about resurrecting the glorious Soviet Union. One understands your nostalgia for convivial bread queues, jovial secret police and the comforts of Black Sea dachas for deserving comrades.

You have done what any reasonable megalomaniac would do. Slaughter hundreds or thousands of men, women and children while tearing a sovereign country apart.

Your propaganda needs work. (You should  talk to our guys). 
'Genocide and nazism'? Which only you are privy to? From a president with Jewish roots?And after years of tolerating 'genocide and nazism', I imagine you one day woke to hear a voice say: "Arise Vlad. Kill, destroy." (I know that you Chosen Ones tend to hear voices). You have no intention of occupying or compelling by force, you said. Okay, that clearly explains the some 190 000 troops, armour, explosions and killings. 

You will be pleased to know that you have some diehard supporters in SA, regardless of what you do. Even if you quartered their grandmothers, they would still support you. Who can argue with that Russian charisma, unassailable logic and a history of glorious advances in the spheres of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

I believe that what you really need is a good analyst. I recommend Dr von Schollenhofen von Eltern unter den Tannenbàumen. He helped me enormously with Post Traumatic South African Stress Disorder. He can help you with what ails you. Maybe.

Yours in the nostalgia for past glories, blood and fire.


Tips for the blogger gratefully accepted 

Capitec Bank, South Africa  
O Tichmann 
+27 833970723

Wednesday, 23 February 2022

Let Us Ease Your Tensions In Ukraine

Dear Messrs Putin and Zelenskyy

Good news. Our minister of foreign affairs, Ms Naledi Pandor, announced that South Africa is working on easing the tensions between Russia and Ukraine.

Being the global (intergalactic, when we find life further afield) player that we are, I am confident that you feel a draining away of tension at that announcement. Those knots in the shoulders are surely smoothing themselves out.

We are renowned for easing tensions. We like to begin, like charity, at home. You might like to model your conflict resolution on the framework we employed in 2021 to deal with tensions within the governing party. It all culminated in some intense but fruitful exchanges in July. We are now easing tensions within the security cluster, as each component modestly refuses to take credit for fuc..., sorry, defusing the situation.

The framework is slightly scorched. Still useful.

Mr Zelenskyy, I believe that you will identify with and get on very well with our politicians. You were a comedian too. 

Gentlemen, you are surely familiar with the best-selling book on conflict resolution: 'Getting To Yes'. We could write one called 'Getting To Maybe'. Some of our tactics and techniques, revealed for the first time:

1. Ignore it. It will go away or someone else will sort it out. We are applying this to several challenges.

2. Rename it.

3. Reblame it.

4. Bounce it from state of the nation address to state of the nation address.

We have much more in our toolbox. We could discuss over a glass of Stolichnaya once all tensions have been eased. With our willing assistance.

Yours in the struggle for global peace, harmony and other global stuff.


Tips for the blogger gratefully accepted 

Capitec Bank, South Africa  
O Tichmann 
+27 833970723