We know that voting in South Africa has nothing to do with common sense, reason or even previous experience.
It has even less to do with the survival of our country. Buggerall to do with national security.
There's no point in talking sense when it comes to elections and voting.
So here's the bizarre Alice in Wonderland truth.
If you want a government that has proven skills in stealing, blundering, exquisite BS and the ability to destroy a country faster than our Zimbabwean friends, then your choice is easy and clear. The comrades are ready, willing and able to deliver. But don't despair. you have five long years to protest. It's worked over the last 30 years, hasn't it? so don't fix what isn't broken. But then again, what isn't broken in South Africa?
If you want a government that has little to offer, apart from noise and violence, then go with the boyz in the hood. That is, Red Rioting Hood and friends. Unfair, you say?. Well, of all the achievements of this particular party what else stands out?
You know that they are also alleged to have dipped into various cookie jars . I cannot prove that but it's common cause that they certainly wasted huge amounts of taxpayer money in Ethekwini and elsewhere. With a little help from their coalition friends. I'm not going to bore you with the details, but it's all there to read, if you really want to. And many don't want to, so let's move on.
In a normal country, a party with that record not only would have zero votes but would not exist within a year. But then we established at the outset that our normal is a little different. A bit more like the normal of Alice in Wonderland, Nineteen Eighty-Four and Animal Farm.
If you want a government already tainted by having a figurehead who has managed to dodge trial for years for a dozen or more charges, look east, young man, look east. If that's not exciting enough for you, scandals hang like several albatrosses around his honourable neck.
As far as I can gather the manifesto of the particular party is to be found in a popular song about a firearm.
If on the other hand, you long for the return of sanity, law and order and the hope of progress then.....
Ah, but we're not talking about such foreign concepts are we? How could we hope to decolonize our country if we hang on to such colonial notions? Promises of free stuff, dialectical materialism, revolutionary slogans - now that's the stuff of Leadership. A bit of land and some state ownership to top it off.
Never bow before colonialists when you can have your fill of corruption, buffoonery, incompetence, indifference and all the other things that have made our country great.
So there is no point in saying vote wisely, vote rationally, vote for the future of our country.
Nothing will change your minds, so vote as you please. As the song says: 'there'll be time enough for counting, when the dealing's done'.
In other words, vote in haste, repent at leisure. In still other words, you will probably get the thoroughly shithole country that you deserve.
It is a great pity that your children deserve better, and so do their children. But what the heck. Nothing like clichés, slogans, song, dance and T-shirts to fill the empty belly and soothe the soul.
Dear fellow South Africans, don't say we didn't tell you so.
As you vote, so shall you reap. And, tragically, so shall we all.
Tips for the blogger gratefully accepted
Capitec Bank, South Africa
O Tichmann
+27 833970723