Tuesday, 30 May 2023

Bringing Fokol to the World

 Dear Ambassador  Brigety

I trust that you are now satisfied, following this transparently clear statement from our Defence Minister:

South African Defence Minister, Modise: ‘We did not send fokol to Russia, not even a piece of Chappies

(from a news report).

It is a little confusing, as another publication reports:

Defence Minister Thandi Modise said “fokol” was put on the Russian commercial vessel ship, Lady R...

So, perhaps we did load some fokol on the Russian vessel. That is no cause for concern. Our cartoonist, Zapiro produced a  brilliant cartoon of a 'Fokol' rocket on  Russian jeep. The truth is that fokol is actually a nutritional supplement developed by our brilliant, caring politicians to keep South Africans going through the hard times. And indeed many citizens have managed to subsist on fokol for many years. Our politicians, bless their cholesterol clogged hearts, are working extremely hard to distribute fokol to all South Africans, regardless of race, gender/s or place of purchase of identity documents. Light, airy and insubstantial as the ether, this supplement nevertheless imparts the sort of energy that can enable one to march, dance and yell slogans for hours on end. 

Very many of our politicians make sure that they bring fokol to the table in their parliamentary, provincial or local councillor jobs. I think you begin to get a glimpse, sir, of how we essentially run on fokol. Of course, our good comrades, Vlad and friends, have been contributing fokol to us for many years. It was only right that we return the favour by loading the Lady R with some prime South African fokol.

Yes, there is some inequity. Nobody's perfect (Apart from Jacob Zuma and Julius Malema, according to their acolytes). We are concerned that our leaders, in a gallant show of sacrifice, have been deprived of fokol. We, the people, intend to rectify that soon.

As a 'no hard feelings' diplomatic gesture, we would be happy to supply your country with fokol at preferential rates. You need never fear shortages. As long as you keep the benjamins coming, we will keep churning out fokol. Let me assure you that we are good at this - very, very good.

Yours in the struggle to bring fokol to the whole world.


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Capitec Bank, South Africa  
O Tichmann 
+27 833970723