Monday, 31 October 2022


 Dear Fellow South Africans 

It is written in Cry The Beloved Country that "there is a lovely road that runs from Ixopo into the hills". 

Not far from that lovely road, an ugly drama played out. A heavily armed gang locked the local police inside their own station yard. They went on to rob a business. A security company intervened but they were completely outgunned. 

When this tale was told, we were, unlike the president, not shocked. The resigned shrugs told more eloquently than words the story of the State of the Nation.

Students burned a classroom because the matric ball was cancelled. Shrug. At least they did not burn down the entire school. Yet. Perhaps the books survived. They could use them in the blackened classroom.

The only relevance that the ANC has from here on, is historical. They supplied, year upon year, the ingredients for this vile stew that we now gag on. The EFF obligingly stir the pot with inconsequential marches, absurd, contradictory yelps and the breathing of fire and slaughter.

Here's what's really concerning and disappointing:

While we crumble, opposition parties play playground games. 
"He pushed me first."  
"He stuck his tongue out at me."

Some media, notably TV news, seem to live on a different planet. A small planet, cocooned from the universe, wrapped in a fog, as it revolves around Party trivia, football and bric-a-brac. You were supposed to be our truth-tellers. Oh, how cheaply you sold out.

Some voters squat on their own doorsteps. Flies buzzing around their heads, they complain plaintively about the noisome mess at their feet.

And as we whizz down the "excrement-coated slide to ruin", we dance like demented dervishes, yell meaningless slogans and spew out nonsensical, racist tripe.

We are in excrement. 

We must get out.


Tips for the blogger gratefully accepted 

Capitec Bank, South Africa  
O Tichmann 
+27 833970723

Saturday, 29 October 2022

Think Like a Hyena

 At least one of the states in that big satan, the US, offers qualifying residents free solar panels and other equipment. 

We, in KZN, have a caring, innovative government. When not engaged in the important business of infighting, they are obsessively focused on our economic and general wellbeing. I imagine that we will soon see a similar offer here.

Some US power utilities offer incentives for people to switch to solar energy. Domkops! Our beloved Eskom, if I understand correctly, wants you to pay for the honour.

Canada paid about 1 400 dollars to people hard hit by lockdown. It was for four months only. Costa Rica paid out about  220 dollars per month. A trifle above our 20 dollars or so, for starting an ice cream business and employing five people. But then again, we don't have oil, like Texas. Just diamonds, gold, platinum and billions redeployed to the accounts of sundry needy, important people. Various countries in Europe implemented, and are now again implementing initiatives to ease the burden on citizens.

It may be that politicians elsewhere have a more humanitarian approach to governing, than do our revered leaders. I doubt it. Politicians are.....politicians. Trump could be mistaken for the long-lost brother of one of our own. 

I suspect that politicians elsewhere know which side their bread is buttered on. They are probably well aware of the power of the people. Despite our chants of 'power to the people ' back in the day, that doesn't apply to our 'think like a hyena' style of politics. 

In South Africa, many voters would applaud our politicians for a job well done, if they disembowelled their loved ones. And offer them a cup of tea as refreshment after their labours.

That is the tragedy of South Africa and much of Africa. Like some ancient cult, we keep feeding these uncaring, tin gods with human sacrifices. And they grow fat up there on their clay pedestals. 

Yours in the struggle against the hyena culture and human sacrifice.


Tips for the blogger gratefully accepted 

Capitec Bank, South Africa  
O Tichmann 
+27 833970723

Friday, 28 October 2022

Rumours of Terror

 Dear Fellow South Africans 

I would have believed the Sandton terror alert more readily if Mr Fraser had issued it. 

This is a man who can spot, from 100 kilometres away, a dollar bill folded into the recesses of a Sealy Posturepedic mattress, or an overstuffed La-Z-Boy recliner.

A clutch of cryptic, sometimes contradictory, comments issued forth from the authorities. One report was about a covert operation poised to pounce on a terrorist cell. Very credible. See July 2021.  My teenaged nephew could have told that trouble was brewing, back then.  Actually, he did: "These ous are going to cause k..k." My teenaged niece could have told of the sinister chatter on social media. Even our neighbourhood psychic, Madam Zuzu, while shopping at Woolworths, heard eerie voices whisper "we see you!" and "ziyakhala!". As for our intelligence agencies, I'm not sure that some of them would recognize a terrorist cell if they stuck a limpet mine on their dimpled butts.

Then there were the usual mindless, knee-jerk reactions from our anti-American, pro-Russian comrades. A sort of tiresome, tuneless bleating like Animal Farm's "Four legs good, two legs better." This one goes something like: "Americans bad, Russians wonderful comrades."  Dear Comrades, if only life were that simple! 

At any rate, my advice to would-be terrorists is: 'don't bother. We have people who have already comprehensively buggered up the country. There's not much left for any terrorist worth his salt to bugger up. 

Yours in the struggle against terrorism and rumours thereof.


Tips for the blogger gratefully accepted 

Capitec Bank, South Africa  
O Tichmann 
+27 833970723

Tuesday, 25 October 2022

Leadership Lessons From Texas

 Dear Mr Abbott

Frustrated with the quality of provincial  (state) and municipal leadership in South Africa, I looked abroad for comparisons.

Of course, the governor of the Great State of Texas caught my eye. There was that quaint political chess move that you pulled with immigrants on buses. It was - how does one put this delicately  - most peculiar. Apart from that, I rather like your head-em-off-at-the-pass, get-them--critters-across-the-Brazos, style of leadership. So reminiscent of The Duke at his best.

Sir, you can ignore the immigrants comment. What do we know anyway, being, in the carefully chosen words of your former Great Leader (he of the striking hairdo and dulcet tones), a sh..hole country?

Mr Abbott, if that O' Rourke bloke (heaven forbid) should cause you to leave the mansion, here's an option. You could consult over here. I assure you that you'd feel quite at home in South Africa. There's a distinctly Wild West feel. We have shootouts in taverns, outlaw politicians shooting from the hip and cowboy minibus taxi drivers.

We could use your energy and no-nonsense approach. Don't get me wrong. Our guys have lots of energy. Many spend it dancing, singing and disrupting council meetings at taxpayer expense. You would not put up with such  foolishness. I can see you loosing a warning shot or two into the chandeliers. Or into - perish the thought!

We also have challenges with illegal immigration. We'd love to hear your innovative suggestions. I would not raise the bussing option. People can be a bit sensitive here - when they're not shooting one another.

I am rooting for you, Sir, but should things go south during your elections, you could also go south. 

Yours in the struggle for strong, democratic, sorry, Republican   leadership.


Tips for the blogger gratefully accepted 

Capitec Bank, South Africa  
O Tichmann 
+27 833970723

Saturday, 22 October 2022

Boris Johnson, Party On

Dear Mr Johnson

I heard that you are on the comeback trail despite having departed under less than joyous circumstances.

That's so South African. That nod to our beloved country gains you my wholehearted support, sir. I intend to lobby for you. No strings (though I am short a pound or two).

So you had a Guiness or two. What's the big deal? Many of our Honourable Members sip on twenty-year old scotch, I've heard. That may explain why so many slumber in parliament. Of course, you guys have that neat trick of leaping up off the benches intermittently at some prearranged signal. That's one colonial custom that we should adopt.

With regard to the tippling, an ANC worthy did explain that the Party drinks on behalf of the people (amid much jubilation). Therein lies a useful tip for you, sir. "I closed my eyes (opened my lips) and thought of England".

I like your just-tumbled-out-of-bed-and-gulped-my-coffee, tousle-haired look. So distinguished. I also enjoy your speaking style - a sort of eloquent bark, like that of an Oxford-educated, civilian sergeant-major. Our lot tend to mumble dreary mind-numbing speeches. The cliches and slogans that tumble from their lips can induce suicide.

We have a former minister who left under a darker cloud than yours - something involving substantial sums of money and some bad vibes. Unlike you sensitive British people, we don't sweat the small stuff. He is vying for the top position in South African politics. An elder statesman with a somewhat murky reputation faces some 18 counts involving fraud, corruption, racketeering and money laundering. (We don't play here). Has that deterred him from electioneering, pontificating and lecturing? We are made of sterner stuff. So are you, sir. So are you. People have affectionately nicknamed him  'S'boshwa'. I'm not sure what that means. Probably something along the lines of 'Exalted One'.

He is a darned good dancer. Like Mr Bojangles, 'Lord, that man can dance'. In South Africa, you can be forgiven anything if you are a good dancer. That's another tip for you, sir. Beats bobbing up and down on the parliamentary benches.

I am behind you sir, as are all South Africans who appreciate a good beer.

Yours in the struggle for an epic comeback.


Tips for the blogger gratefully accepted 

Capitec Bank, South Africa  
O Tichmann 
+27 833970723

Friday, 21 October 2022

Digital Vibes

Dear Ms Athi Geleba

You are Head of Digital Vibes..., er, sorry, Digital Communications,  in the Presidency.

Thank you for the list of presidential achievements tweeted recently. It was like a Twitter version of War and Peace. 

Most striking was:

"Since 2028, the Hawks have secured 4 500 convictions for corruption and other priority crimes"

A magnificent achievement - the time travel. Do you have anything from 2024 for us? A large band of suspects and dubious characters is still at large. They roam the land like Marvel Comics villains, giving the finger, vying for high political office, preaching....I suppose their turn will come, perhaps in 2028?

Continuing with the sci-fi theme:

On Starship Tenderprise there must be many wondrous things to behold. Ideas, plans, nebulous successes swirl and glisten in the rarified atmosphere. On earth, South Africans are raped, murdered and robbed hourly.

"SAPS, Hawks, NPA and State Security Agency all strengthened with new leadership to ensure stability, integrity & capability to fight crime".

Led by that world authority on the links between alcohol, gqom music, tattoos and crime? 

Some official statistics put unemployment at about 34%. But hey, 

"The Youth Employment Service established by Mongameli with private sector partners has to date created over 86 500 work experiences"

I cannot tell you how great a comfort that is, as we sip our ecoli-flavoured water, in lieu of a more substantial meal.

Let's not be negative. So our cup runneth over with sewerage in the streets, arterial haemmorhaging of public funds and more.  But we need to see the glass as half-repaired,  not half-shattered.

Unfortunately, you omitted the heartening employment statistics about some 28 cabinet ministers and 37 deputies just getting by on six-figure salaries, two cars apiece, free flights and other little perks. Did you mention the R19 million spent on luxury vehicles (according to City Press) while South Africans stooped under lockdown?

These are also good stories. Don't be shy. Lay them on us.

Viva New Dusk (or whatever natural phenomenon it is we're supposed to be experiencing). 

We'll be back, like Arnold, for more.

Yours in the struggle to find good stories and good digital vibes.


Tips for the blogger gratefully accepted 

Capitec Bank, South Africa  
O Tichmann 
+27 833970723

Wednesday, 19 October 2022

No, Minister Sisulu

 Thus spake a Twitter sage to me:

'The scuffle Continues' is nothing but questions the legitimacy of Sisulu to critique the Constitution and the law. Any intelligent scholar would go beyond and engage the content of her debate. You lack understanding of the ANC that it is collective & has doves & hawks'

My thanks for the engagement.

I don't care if the ANC has ravens and crows. Or vultures.
Imagine swearing an oath to uphold the constitution, and almost 30 years later waking up to the realisation that it's fatally flawed. It doesn't require excessive intelligence nor scholarly enquiry to see the irony, absurdity  and contradictions.

It would be more fruitful  to do an incisive analysis of a piece written by an addict in the full flow of nyaope inspired creativity.

It is embarrassing to point out the most obvious of facts. The constitution does not legislate, administer, or lead - leaders do. Countries with comparable and even inferior ones are not the discarded dog's breakfast that we are. Dare one speculate that it may be because, for them, the main thing is the main thing. Getting the bloody job done. Not pontificating endlessly. Or parading dubious, past glories.

What has the minister done with the time and opportunity, given to few, to make a difference in this land? There was the accusation in 2012 of jetting around excessively, as Minister of Defence, but perhaps that was necessary to build our military into the fearsome fighting force that it has become. In line with the theme of flying high, I read something about flights, fruit and flowers that must have been equally beneficial in the Human Settlements role. Lest I am accused of too much flattery, let those highlights and achievements suffice.

Years of power and privilege and I must repeat:
Is this the best you can do: 'The constitution ate my homework'?

I don't know why this Hamlet quote comes to mind when I think of our ministers, their flashes of brilliance, their lasting  contribution in thought and deed to this land::

Thus has he and many more of the same bevy that I know the drossy age dotes on only got the tune of the time and outward habit of encounter, a kind of yeasty collection, which carries them through and through the most fond and winnowed opinions...

I'm sure it doesn't apply to them.

Tips for the blogger gratefully accepted 

Capitec Bank, South Africa  
O Tichmann 
+27 833970723