Tuesday 31 January 2023

The Commander in Chief Has Spoken

Dear Mr Malema 

I apologize unreservedly.

I missed the news because of loadshedding. I am dismayed that I did not catch your coronation as Supreme Dick..., sorry, Dictator of South Africa. I bet it was something to see.

I realized that there's been a change in leadership only when I saw your stern commands below:

“Everything is going to come to a standstill. We don’t want to see a single truck moving. We don’t want to see a single train moving. We don’t want to see a single bus moving, unless it is taking people to the picket lines"....

Of course, these must be obeyed. I shall certainly not set foot near the workplace on 20 March. Mainly because I don't have a job, but that's beside the point. 

I enjoy the firm way in which you wield the power and authority vested in you. None of this 'My fellow South Africans' mamby pamby stuff. And your old fashioned courtesy, of course. I think that's what so endeared you to South Africans. That would also explain your party's phenomenal success in recent polls. Charisma and a great bedside manner are an irresistible combination. As a Commander in Chief you could have taught that half-mustachioed Austrian fellow a thing or two. I bet your minio....., sorry, your members, leap to obey.

Despite your unconditional authority, you are not above employing gentle persuasion and sweet reason. Another endearing trait. The excerpt below is a wonderful example:

"On the 20th, if you know what is good for you, park your trucks in your depots...”  

That concern for what is good for us. Grabs our hearts every time. Makes one want to  bellow out the national anthem. It's your big, generous heart that has you so concerned about illegal investors finding creative ways to come and fellowship in our grand mess.

I see that on the 20th we'll be demanding electricity and for Mr Ramaphosa to step down. Good stuff. I assume we'll have all that on the 21st. Worth the wait, then. Will you be replacing him with Steenhuisen?

Sir, I think only one thing remains: A statue of you in every public square.

Something just popped into my head about another Julius and the Ides of March. What the heck, it was probably a different date. And the guy was Italian anyway. 

I'm not sure what 'Sieg Heil' means, but it has a nice ring. So here's siegheiling you!

Yours in the struggle for strong African leadership.


Tips for the blogger gratefully accepted 

Capitec Bank, South Africa  
O Tichmann 
+27 833970723

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