Thank you.
At last I understand the biblical prophecy:
'Behold, the darkness shall cover the earth and gross darkness the people...'
I just never realized how involved you would be in its fulfilment. If you had been there at the writing of Genesis, it would probably have read something like:
God said: 'Let there be light'. And Eskom replied: 'Ja, well, no fine'.
ERMA. the East Rand Muggers' Association asked me to convey heartfelt thanks. It's been a bumper season. Our streets have always been poorly lit but they appreciate that you guys don't go in for half measures. An acquaintance in the alternative shopping business asked if you could supply a six month schedule. Christmas is not that far off and he'd like to draw up his quarterly plans. Wants to fit in several Black Fridays.
We do understand that it's been an incredibly tough balancing act for you guys. Running a (dark) comedy show, power utility and testing unique economic and business theories all in one go. You must be almost burned out.
We do try to make the most of it. Sitting in the gloom, singing old favourites like 'Candle In The Wind' and the one about the lights all going out in Massachusetts. Also playing fun games like 'Guess The Next Electricity Hike'.
I'm dreaming of a bright Christmas but also heeding the advice of Dylan Thomas: 'Do not go gentle into that good night'. This is the East Rand, after all.
Power to the people!
Tips for the blogger gratefully accepted
Capitec Bank, South Africa
O Tichmann
+27 833970723