Dear Fellow South Africans
Elections approach. Time to look back in anger or wonder or bemusement or amusement. Or all of the above.
In the Book of Exodus, Moses parted the Red Sea with his staff. In the case of the ANC, the staff were often sleeping, goofing off or off on weird and wonderful adventures. The tender for a Red Sea freeway left us stranded, wet and bedraggled.
Moving on, here's a quick guide to the parties vying for your suddenly precious vote.
The DA will fight for your rights once they have finished fighting among themselves. With a good reputation for governance, they lack the theatre arts to reach a nation fed on Durban Gen, Uyajola and the bovine cud that passes for TV news.
The ANC are big on culture. Storytelling, dance (including the popular 'Step Aside'), comedy and drama are but some of their offerings. Fiction is the preferred genre. They sometimes wander off into the horror realm. Also good at the fine arts, they've become renowned for drawing lines in the sand.
The EFF will march at the drop of a beret. Possessed of a substantial ground force, they will be hard to resist once they acquire a navy and airforce. To those who see the EFF as noisy populists, not ready to govern, think again. They have interesting views on banking and can be called very business savvy or VBS - for short. Add to that, great dress sense and an appreciation of the finer things and you have a force to be reckoned with. In the fashion world.
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For all that the Freedom Front Plus have achieved an FF- would probably be a fair score.
Let's not forget the new parties and the smaller parties, unless they lose their way (as often happens) on this gruelling exodus. Then, by all means, forget them.
Yours in the struggle to reach the oft-promised land.
Tips for the blogger gratefully accepted
Capitec Bank, South Africa
O Tichmann
+27 833970723