Dear ANC
It's not fun to make fun of you anymore. I was brought up right.
It's like mocking a drunk who's fallen into a pit latrine. I'm going to have to stick to the EFF. Incidentally, an irate ground forces member wanted to know if I entertain myself with fantasies. No, I replied, the EFF entertains me - royally. The fantasies I leave to them.
At any rate, it's really hard to keep up with your disasters and scandals. Like watching an overcooked disaster movie. You know: monsters, aliens, floods, fires, quakes, all in one gigantic, unappetizing stew. Or like playing one of those alien invaders games. The more alien ships you shoot down, the faster they keep coming. And they never stop.
Could you perhaps do a roster of scandals, failures, looting achievements, blunders, embarrassing moments, nonsensical utterances and the other stuff you excel at? Like the Eskom loadshedding thing. You could call it the Bullshedding Thing. That way, we could keep track. Feel free to use the categories above as headings. You could put the task out to tender.
George W Bush once said something along the lines of: "Our enemies will do everything they can to destroy our country. So will we." An unfortunate choice of words. For you, though, a perfectly lucid statement.
You out-stooge the Three Stooges at their ridiculous best. You gave us Hlaudi, Mr Zuma, Dr Ace, Eskonomics, Flying Without Wings at SAA, tenderpreneurs, ANCspeak and so many other gifts that keep on giving.
It's hard to make fun of you. You do it so well yourselves.
Yours in the struggle to remember what we're struggling for.
Tips for the blogger gratefully accepted
Capitec Bank, South Africa
O Tichmann
+27 833970723