Sunday, 19 September 2021

Downhill Racers

 Dear ANC

It's not fun to make fun of you anymore. I was brought up right. 

It's like mocking a drunk who's fallen into a pit latrine. I'm going to have to stick to the EFF. Incidentally, an irate ground forces member wanted to know if I entertain myself with fantasies. No, I replied, the EFF entertains me - royally. The fantasies I leave to them.

At any rate, it's really hard to keep up with your disasters and scandals. Like watching an overcooked disaster movie. You know: monsters, aliens, floods, fires, quakes, all in one gigantic, unappetizing stew. Or like playing one of those alien invaders games. The more alien ships you shoot down, the faster they keep coming. And they never stop.

Could you perhaps do a roster of scandals, failures, looting achievements, blunders, embarrassing moments, nonsensical utterances and the other stuff you excel at? Like the Eskom loadshedding thing. You could call it the Bullshedding Thing. That way, we could keep track. Feel free to use the categories above as headings. You could put the task out to tender. 

George W Bush once said something along the lines of: "Our enemies will do everything they can to destroy our country. So will we."  An unfortunate choice of words. For you, though, a perfectly lucid statement.

You out-stooge the Three Stooges at their ridiculous best. You gave us Hlaudi, Mr Zuma, Dr Ace, Eskonomics, Flying Without Wings at SAA, tenderpreneurs, ANCspeak and so many other gifts that keep on giving.

It's hard to make fun of you. You do it so well yourselves.

Yours in the struggle to remember what we're struggling for.


Tips for the blogger gratefully accepted 

Capitec Bank, South Africa  
O Tichmann 
+27 833970723


Saturday, 11 September 2021


 Dear Fellow South Africans 

Elections approach. Time to look back in anger or wonder or bemusement or amusement. Or all of the above.

In the Book of Exodus, Moses parted the Red Sea with his staff. In the case of the ANC, the staff were often sleeping, goofing off or off on weird and wonderful adventures. The tender for a Red Sea freeway left us stranded, wet and bedraggled. 

Moving on, here's a quick guide to the parties vying for your suddenly precious vote.

The DA will fight for your rights once they have finished fighting among themselves. With a good reputation for governance, they lack the theatre arts to reach a nation fed on Durban Gen, Uyajola and the bovine cud that passes for TV news.

The ANC are big on culture. Storytelling, dance (including the popular 'Step Aside'), comedy and drama are but some of their offerings. Fiction is the preferred genre. They sometimes wander off into the horror realm. Also good at the fine arts, they've become renowned for drawing lines in the sand.

The EFF will march at the drop of a beret. Possessed of a substantial ground force, they will be hard to resist once they acquire a navy and airforce. To those who see the EFF as noisy populists, not ready to govern, think again. They have interesting views on banking and can be called very business savvy or VBS - for short. Add to that, great dress sense and an appreciation of the finer things and you have a force to be reckoned with. In the fashion world.

COPE were not available for comment. 

For all that the Freedom Front Plus have achieved an FF- would probably be a fair score.

Let's not forget the new parties and the smaller parties, unless they lose their way (as often happens) on this gruelling exodus. Then, by all means, forget them.

Yours in the struggle to reach the oft-promised land.


Tips for the blogger gratefully accepted 

Capitec Bank, South Africa  
O Tichmann 
+27 833970723

Sunday, 5 September 2021

Long Live

 Dear ANC

That looked like a rather sudden, swift slide to mini-implosion. Truth is, though, it was inevitable. You should have seen it coming. You cannot dig holes and rip pieces off the slide without interesting consequences. Vision and foresight haven't been your strong suit. Hard to see the wood when you're preoccupied with the size, colour and location of each tree.

I do think reports of your demise are premature. You have history on your side. And food parcels, grants, cliches, song and dance. I'm sure that, like a character in a certain type of movie, you will rise again to haunt..., I mean, to fight on. 

Yeats wrote of a once beautiful, young woman:

I know not what the younger dreams - 
Some vague Utopia - and she seems, 
When withered old and skeleton - gaunt,
An image of such politics

Politics of the stomach and the empty cliche can also do that. Only balloons rise on hot air.

And Yeats might have had you in mind with:

Why, what could she have done, being what she is? Was there another Troy for her to burn?

Yours in the struggle to adapt.


Tips for the blogger gratefully accepted 

Capitec Bank, South Africa  
O Tichmann 
+27 833970723

Thursday, 2 September 2021

I, too, avoid physicians, Mr Zuma

 Dear Mr Zuma 

While employed by a primary health care clinic, I fell ill at work. 

"You need to see a doctor", advised a colleague.

I went off and was back ten minutes later. My colleague was surprised.

"Did you see the doctor?"

"Two of them", I replied. "Walking down the corridor. I feel better now."

Sir, I tell this story to illustrate that I share your wariness (perhaps suspicion) about doctors. I have discovered the following about them:

1. They have no boundaries and ask the most embarrassingly intimate questions about bodily functions. "Do you have regular bowel movements?" For Pete's sake!

2. They have a very negative attitude. Every time I've been to one, he or she has found something wrong. It's never "Wow, your blood is circulating so well - and in the right direction too", or "Gee, that stomach is almost perfectly round." Words of comfort and inspiration in these difficult times when our favourite political parties are falling apart.

3. They lie. "I'm going to shove this metre long needle into your arm and you'll feel better in no time."

4. They give bad advice. "Lay off the wine, women, song and good, red meat and your quality of life will improve."

I ask myself how different they are from the shamans who peer into chicken entrails but can't give a simple lotto combination.

We are, if not in the same boat, at least on the same marina. 

Yours in the struggle against    poking, pummelling physicians.


Tips for the blogger gratefully accepted 

Capitec Bank, South Africa  
O Tichmann 
+27 833970723

Monday, 30 August 2021

Angels. Demons and the Mother of Conspiracies

Dear Fellow South Africans 

It troubles me that we are such a divided people. Scouring social media for wisdom, enlightenment and other stuff, one stumbles upon chasms of disagreement and hostility.

Dr Ace, Mr Zuma and other worthies are painted as angels by one group, demons by another. In the age of big-brother technology and investigative journalism, surely we must have evidence one way or the other. 

This puts me in mind of the pro-vaccination / no- vaccination split. On that note, vaccines may play a part in the mother-of-conspiracies I am about to unveil. After the jab, I was overcome by an unaccustomed surge of hostile feelings towards both gentlemen. Fortunately, I knew well enough to chant 'umShini wami' until I entered a trance-like state of serenity.

To the heart of the matter. Applying the sort of superior logic made famous by the EFF. When people differ so violently against a backdrop of mountains of information, something else is afoot (or in an SUV). MERDE (Mann Establishment for Resolving Dire Emergencies) can now reveal that a fourth force is at play. We face a threat greater than swart gevaar (All Blacks rugby), wit gevaar (Rupert and friends) or any other gevaar. We at MERDE will not be caught napping, unlike the politicians and security clusters of certain countries (not ours, of course). We are on the scent, noses to the ground, stench notwithstanding.

All will be revealed at the same time that the full story of the instigators of insurrection is told. Suffice it to say that a bizarre, sinister plot, involving clones of our saintly heroes has been in operation. It's the clones that solicited and took bribes, frolicked with foreign vegetarians and indulged in other murky adventures. All this, while our heroes wrestled valiantly with cares of state and the welfare of the people (you and me, dear reader). It is thanks to their sterling efforts that we are where we are. Now there's a statement neither camp can disagree with.

This mother of conspiracies was partly revealed in Attack Of The Clones :
People laughed then, as they did at Pythagoras, or some other Greek bloke who posited that the earth is round. Until the first ships dropped over the top. 

Who is behind this? Shadowy organizations and shady individuals. Foreign powers. Think of the riches beneath and above the earth in our country. Coveted by greedy imperialists. Think of the valuable deposits of guano, produced daily by our politicians. Mr Zuma hinted more than once at the dark deeds of legions of spies, domestic and foreign. I was unable to sleep for a week, after his first Zondo Commission appearance.

In the fullness of time, MERDE will reveal all.

Till then, yours in the struggle against fourth force conspirators.


Tips for the blogger gratefully accepted Capitec Bank, South Africa 1378565477 O Tichmann +27 833970723

Friday, 27 August 2021

Kubi, Mr Mabe

 ANC's Mr Pule Mabe on salary payment challenges within the Party, as reported:

“A strange phenomenon has emerged now, especially because we have social media and all of that, when the ANC account and answer to staff, that it is unable to perform because of the challenges it faces. The expectation is that disciplined staff members would then rather ask for a platform with the ANC to understand how the problem is being resolved,” said Mabe.

Dear Mr Mabe

Discipline has gone to hell. How dare people go out on social media, complaining about not having been paid? 

Would you or I go publicizing family matters on social media? For example, an alcoholic uncle beating the daylights out of family members? No, sir, such sacred family issues must be kept within said family. We must keep a stiff, if somewhat bruised, upper lip. You are the quintessential example. I've not heard you complaining about not being paid.

One sometimes looks back with nostalgia to the disciplined days of strong leaders like Stalin, Kim Whatsisname and others.I know that decadent pinko liberals will go mad at this; but let's face it, the rack and the thumbscrew had their uses in maintaining discipline in the good old days.

That union bloke, Mr Mdala, reportedly said that management undertook to resolve some of the demands by the end of August.  Well, Mr Smart Alec Mdala, it's only the 28th of August. 

I think you quite rightly pointed out that this me..,pardon, challenge does not indicate that the Party cannot govern a country. Of course you can. And we'd love to find one somewhere for you to govern. Okay, so we have rampant crime, runaway corruption, incompetence, buffoonery, waste and inefficiency. Apart from that, you guys are doing fine. 

Yours in the struggle for discipline.


Tips for the blogger gratefully accepted 

Capitec Bank, South Africa  
O Tichmann 
+27 833970723

Monday, 23 August 2021

Bean There, Done That, Mr Zuma

 Dear Mr Zuma

I am powerfully moved by your righteous anger and indignation at 'the law being used to target' you. 

I can relate. I was once targeted for doing a mere thirty kilometres above the arbitrary speed limit. What kind of law does not bend to accommodate me..., pardon,  I mean emergencies and special circumstances? For example, the imminent closing of my local KFC. 

Sir, it seems you are on the verge of spilling some long-promised beans. So moved was I that I had to borrow from the Langston Hughes poem, with a minor alteration or two. Apologies to the Hughes family, friends and poetry lovers.

What happens to beans deferred?
Do they dry up like biltong in the sun?
Or fester like a sore and then run?
Maybe they just sag
Like a heavy load
Or do they explode?

I suspect that we may be at the 'explode' stage. We all know what happens with bean-initiated explosions; the sound, the fury, the stench. 

Many South Africans may relate to the original, about a dream deferred. That's not the point. This is about you. After all, which came first: democracy or the ANC?

Sir, I am completely in tune with your implied 'what about others?' argument. During my last court appearance, I pointed out that Al Capone had done far worse. I also once referred my creditors to the national debt, and, for emphasis, the US national debt. To no avail. 'The law is a ass', said one learned gentleman. A soulless ass, some may add.

Sir, let us, like twin Samsons, grasp the pillars and bring the whole edifice down. With our beans.

Yours in the struggle for justice to be done, seen, heard and felt (and smelled?).


Tips for the blogger gratefully accepted 

Capitec Bank, South Africa  
O Tichmann 
+27 833970723