Dear JGZuma Foundation (Official)
"Will the accused please stand," ordered the white-bearded judge, his voice quavering as he clung onto his desk for support.
"He can't, Your Honour", wheezed the defence advocate, leaning heavily on his walking stick (tastefully decorated with latin legal phrases).
The accused lolled back in his chair, mumbling. I caught snatches: "I know nothing, nothing, nothing" , "WMC counter- revolutioniaries" and the like.
The year was 2040 and we had been playing out similar scenes for some twenty years or more.
This is the stuff of the nightmares that have been haunting my troubled sleep for months now. Until this your reassuring statement below, for which I am grateful:
'Let's debunk the Myth, Lies and Propaganda.
There's no such thing as 783 charges. It's only 18 Counts.
Let's start with the 1st six.'
Thank heavens it's only 18 counts. That's nothing. I know of people who've had far more charges - nineteen, twenty...
At least there's a chance that this merry -go - round might actually come to a stop this century.
I know someone who was found guilty on a mere two charges. I thought that was rather vindictive. The prosecutor was aggressive and antagonistic. A friend told me that that's what his job requires. I find that to be typically colonialist - inspired thinking. I don't see why we can't all be friends.
I also suspected that the judge might have been captured by a WMC - Stratcom - Rupertist - Gordhanist type coalition. That brought me to the epiphany that our constitution needs changing. I think this Phala Phala inspired nonsense of harassing a giant of RET over a mere 18 charges is....nonsense. Is the constitution not for the people? Who better typifies and symbolizes the struggles of the ordinary South African? I picture him, floating on his back in the fire pool, agonizing over my and your burdens and struggles.
And whatabout Donald Trump, with over four thousand lawsuits even before he became president? An excerpt from USA TODAY:
An exclusive and ongoing USA TODAY analysis of legal filings across the United States finds that the presumptive Republican presidential nominee and his businesses have been involved in thousands of legal actions in federal and state courts over the past three decades. They range from skirmishes with casino patrons to million-dollar real estate suits to personal defamation lawsuits.
And the Stratcom / Stellenbosch Cosa Nostra / WMC puppets, running dogs and spies want to make a fuss over eighteen charges! Disgraceful.
I look forward to seeing you dismantle and demolish those charges with the speed, efficiency and effectiveness with which we tend to demolish things in South Africa (infrastructure, institutions etc.).
Yours in the struggle for justice.
Tips for the blogger gratefully accepted
Capitec Bank, South Africa
O Tichmann
+27 833970723