Wednesday, 17 January 2024

Bafana and Buffoonery

Watching Bafana last night amble their way listlessly to the accustomed thrashing,  this came to mind. Bafana are a truly South African soccer team. 

They represent so much of what makes us such an interesting country. Has coach Hugo Broos explained to the team that soccer, at its most fundamental,  is about scoring goals? And keeping them out at your end?

We expect the same of our government. A layman's take on some of those goals: to build a safe country where people can hope, dream, do. Do their best and give of their best  for their communities,  their country,  their continent  and ultimately  their world. 

In winning countries, people build, contribute, create (the tangible and the intangible). In losing countries, people destroy, burn and break. Three guesses as to which team category we fall into. Bafana failed us last night. Our government fails us dismally daily.

Bafana fiddled in the middle and often seemed at a loss as to what to do differently. Sound familiar? Our government and our politicians also fiddle, like Nero, passing around insults threats,  and hopelessly improbable promises. The goal posts stand desolate,  a long way off. 

A commentator praised our diski skills, so often on display in the PSL (before Bafana started to implode). That is the problem. We need to play football not diski. This is not the Premier League. This is the African Cup of Nations. Dear politicians, you too, in your limited imaginations, are stuck in a little league. Flashes of diski in the international arena and on other stages do not score goals. It's a much bigger competition that we are playing in.  There's much more at stake.  Think survival  think national security in its broadest sense,  think generations to come. 

The ball skills of our players are, at least, a joy to behold. Your diski, political people, is the most unattractive, useless thing to behold. 

The name Bafana is a most unfortunate one. Perhaps a dreary, self-fulfilling prophecy. Our team is indeed like a bunch of boys who have wandered into the big pitch where adults play. Ditto for our government.

Our contribution to Africa and the world should be much, much more  than dining out on the glories of struggles past. "The moving finger writes, and having writ, moves on..." (Omar Khayyàm). Bafana lack urgency, passion and ideas. So too, do our government and politicians. Mr Broos,  please teach the team that they need  to do things differently when pushing the ball around the middle, the back and back to the goalkeeper is not working. It's too late to teach our government that. Pushing the clichès, slogans, insults and blame around is all that they have done their entire, inconsequential political lives.  We need a new team now.  

Our defense in both games is caught napping often.  One can mention last night's game, the 2021 unrest, chaos at the borders and much more. To quote someone, 'we never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity'. We also never miss an opportunity to stuff it up. Last night's missed penalty and almost 30 years of squandered opportunity attest. We are starved of goals.  At least where Bafana are concerned they are able to show off some sparkling ball skills.  With each attempt at showing off their diski skills, our politicians sink deeper into a morass of incompetence, corruption and buffoonery. 

We the people of South Africa are choked with  disappointment, frustration and the anger that follows betrayal . We don't need substitutions. We need a team that understands the game and can actually play. One of our PSL teams is fondly nicknamed Abafana bes'Thende (very loosely, 'boys of the heel'), in praise of their skills. Should we not fondly nickname you politicians Abafana beSisu (boys of the stomach), in praise of your skills?

Many, many of you politicians do not belong on the pitch. Time to hang up your muddy boots. 

I've seen calls on social media for you all to f..k off. So rude. I'd suggest that you all quietly piss off, instead.

Tips for the blogger gratefully accepted
Tymebank , South Africa  
O Tichmann 
+27 833970723

Tuesday, 16 January 2024

South Africa's Brightest and Best

Fellow South Africans, we are spoiled for choice. 

In the red corner, a fiery orator who makes the Austrian guy look like a speaker at one of those  women's temperance meetings of old. 

In the yellow, a man who allegedly showed his contempt for America's bullying ways by parking his backside on the almighty dollar.

In the far corner, back from reluctant retirement, the man who claimed to know "nothing, nothing, nothing" and is setting out to prove that yet again.

Difficult choices. Some of their major achievements to date:

Mr Zuma would have transformed South Africa into a Nando's-chicken-in-every-pot country. Nine years of valiant struggle against the forces of WMC, Abelungu, the CIA, George Soros, van Riebeeck, Apartheid and others even more wicked, took a toll on his delicate health. Betrayed by spies and treacherous comrades (Et tu Cyril?), he remains Lord of the Dance.

Mr Zuma apparently cannot stand for a third term, says our constitution. A small obstacle for a man who is said to have already voided his bladder on said constitution. One who, some say, is demonstrating that the law can be an assho..., sorry, ass.

It may be that Mr Zuma is there to support two other candidates.

 One is Dr Ace Magashule, philosopher (honorary doctorate in philosophy from Turkish university, which obviously saw in him what we all missed). Dr Ace fought the good fight to free the Free State from the twin scourges of corruption and asbestos. I have no idea how much success he had with asbestos. The 'Acebestos' nickname is probably in recognition of his efforts.

This speech, to rival anything from William or Dr Martin Luther King, should reassure doubters that Dr Ace earned that PhD:

. "I met with Zuma but I did not intend on meeting with Zuma as a meeting is not necessarily a meeting to meet individuals but rather a meeting intended to meet with him in a capacity that we had already met."

The clarity, the homespun wisdom, the alliteration: this man is presidential material.

When a former chief justice,  with years of Solomonic judgements behind him, decides that MK represents the best and brightest in South African politics, who am I to argue? My membership form is signed and ready to go via Pep's courier service. Mr Mogoeng would apparently lose pension and benefits if he stood. So what? Mr Zuma and others have ably demonstrated that the South African presidency offers many opportunities to....contribute.

I admire Mr Malema most for backing the first South African bank to take the bold step of distributing product samples to selected customers. Mr Malema's flexibility and open-mindedness are often characterized by the ignorant as flip-flopping. One must keep an open mind, even if it means not allowing brain matter to obstruct the passage of whatever passes through. With great taste in branded clothing, a thirst for peace, joy and brotherly love across open borders and a sure grasp of scrotal politics, this is your renaissance man.

Mr Ramaphosa painted a bright picture of a Wakanda with smart cities and bullet trains. He's had mixed reults. Cities are smarting from years of municipal buffoonery. Bullets fly in trains, taxis and your friendly neighborhood dens for thugs, zamas and izinkabi. Give the man a chance. Frogs are not boiled in a day.

Donald, we in Africa are as ready and intellectually equipped as you are, to grasp the scrotum of a future, complex, challenging and dangerous.

Who is a sh..hole country now?

Tips for the blogger gratefully accepted
Tymebank , South Africa  
O Tichmann 
+27 833970723

Monday, 15 January 2024

The Sound and the Fury

Dear Mr Malema 

I am sorely disappointed in your latest, rather pedestrian speech in support of Hamas.

As the Churchill of revolutionary, populist oratory,  one had hoped that your inspirational speeches would grow in fiery luminosity over time. 

Your latest effort was no different from what you have done in the past. Where was the gloriously gory stuff about disembowelment, severing heads and the other truly violent stuff that one expects from a revolutionary such as yourself?  I think that your Hamas comrades would have been disappointed.  As would your idol,  Chè Guevara,  had he lived to witness  this dismal performance.

Is it not time that you joined the older folk from umKhonto weSisu?  (I hope I got that right). I think that is more your speed. Perhaps it is time to hand over to the younger,  more practical revolutionaries like Floyd. He, at least is a man of action. Who can forget the classic chokehold that he put on that impertinent  journalist some time ago?

You mentioned that you will support Hamas with arms when you ascend the presidential podium. As that will probably be 30 years from now, you need to consider whether it might be somewhat late. I vaguely remember that you also promised to supply Russia With arms when you become president. Of course this will be quite possible, as the economy is bound to flourish under your capable leadership.  One remembers your support  for the brilliant VBS initiative. My,  how that took off! I so wish that the WMC banks would have learned from that glorious experiment.

I see our deserts bloom under your leadership  (guided, of course, by the tenets of dialectical materialism). I cannot wait to see you take the economy by the scrotum, as you once took our parliamentarians (by your own account).

But sir,  you really need to turn up the fire and the fury if you are to keep and hold the attention and interest  of this generation of followers. Remember that you face serious opposition in the form of MK,  whose leader  not only has a track record of  brilliant statesmanship  but also the kind of comic performance that has audiences in stitches.  It seems the best that you can do in the humour  department is to talk of kissing the enemy. Sir, that is not funny but rather vaguely creepy. 

A friend suggested that there is a different path you could follow, if you really want to build a worthwhile  legacy in the life of South Africa. He rambled on about wisdom and humility, instead of the frenzied ravings of a hormonally imbalanced teenager. I was aghast when he opined that humility is essential in healthy leadership. It is impossible, he said, to cultivate understanding and a spirit of real service without humility. How Uncle Tommish, white tendencied and counterrevolutionary! After all, you yourself quoted the piece of wisdom that a revolutionary is a walking, killing machine. Quite so. After laughing long and hard, I rebuked him soundly. 

Why on earth would a world famous CIC want to do anything so absurd?

Yours in the struggle to fan the flames of revolution with the fiery breath of flaming oratory.


Tips for the blogger gratefully accepted 

Tymebank , South Africa  
O Tichmann 
+27 833970723

Sunday, 14 January 2024

Sly Way

Enough of depressing politics. Some music.

To the tune of My Way

And now the time is here 
We've got your vote and that's for certain 
My friends we'll light the braais,and you can eat until you're hurtin'
We've filled your ears with bulI, took you down each and every byway
And more, much more than this,  we took the sly way

Regrets, well just a few
But then again too few to mention 
We did what we could do, took what we could, without exemption
 We planned each charted course
 Each blue light dash along the highway
 And more, much more than this
 We took the sly way 

You've moaned, protested, cried
But haven't had your fill of losing 
You'll never turn the tide
It's so bizarre and so amusing
To think we did all that
And may we say, not in a shy way
Oh no, not ANC, we took the sly way.

 Yes, there were times I'm sure you knew
 When we got into deep doodoo
 But through it all, when there was doubt we made stuff  up and spat it out 
You ate it up, some took the fall
We took the sly way

 For what is this land, what has it got? 
We've looted some, there's still a lot
To tempt the heart of one who steals
 And at the trough of gravy kneels
 No record shows
 Away it blows
We took the sly way 

Tips for the blogger gratefully accepted 

Tymebank , South Africa  
O Tichmann 
+27 833970723

Thursday, 11 January 2024

Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Ice Cream Businesses

 Dear Mr Ramaphosa 

My comrades, (real comrades), and I took careful note of your threat.. pardon, warning, about the possible disappearance of NSFAS and social grants, should the ANC receive a deserved bollocking at the polls 

We love it when campaigning politicians lay out bold, inspirational plans and visions for the future: life, liberty and the pursuit of ice cream businesses. We got to thinking about what else could disappear if you and the comrades rode off into the sunset, fat pensions tucked into your saddle bags. 

We would probably miss the gobbledygook and the balderdash that is poured out daily. I recently learned a new word while playing the Balderdash board game.  Bumbilation refers to buzzing and humming noises.  We would, of course, miss your unceasing bumbilation and your admirably consistent bumbling. 

I suppose that we would have to rely more on the EFF, MK and assorted splinter parties and proxies for our daily ration of humour. 

Would corruption disappear? I don't know. It seems to be so embedded in our South African Souls. We have been accustomed to having it with our breakfast cereal,  morning tea and every meal thereafter. A friend once said that she actually feels dirty driving through South Africa. Perhaps a bit extreme but graphic enough.  That is the thing about wading through horse manure and the ordure of bulls daily. 

As a child, I and my other real comrades had the rare treat of attending a circus for the first time in our rural area. The circus was a complete fraud,  as we discovered later when the fire eater,   equestrian, tightrope walker and others turned out to be the same multitasking  man  in various disguises.  What's more he was a local fellow who swore in fluent  isiZulu when a hammer was dropped on his toe, while he went through his 'Mustapha, The Amazing Egyptian Magician' act.  Angry folk trashed the big top and even the lone horse and a few goats took flight. The next morning there was not even the slightest trace to tell that the circus had come to town. One hopes most sincerely that the disappearance of your circus will be as complete and final.

We too,  are weary  of the sloppy performances. The ring master who drones on but never says anything of consequence. Whose promises inevitably fall as flat  as the tightrope walker who made his tentative, timid walk on a disappointingly low wire. The equestrian who might as well have been flogging a long dead horse. The magician whose best contribution was the string of curses that he uttered when hammer met toe. 

We are utterly weary of being defrauded in this inept,  sham circus show.  We have had far more patience than the angry citizens who chased the ring master and multitasking performer into the night. We too want a refund on our exorbitantly expensive tickets. 

If you think this harsh, it's not as harsh as the reality that after almost thirty years of freedom and democracy, we ruminate and regurgitate, like slow oxen, the same cliches, slogans and elusive promises as at the beginning. We sit in the same real darkness of Eskom and the almost equally palpable darkness of a society compassed about by anger, hatred,horrific crime, hopelessness and corruption. There must be something deeply wrong with freedom and democracy,  then. Oh wait. Does it perhaps have anything to do with the people that we naively trusted to lead us fearlessly into the New Dawn of freedom and democracy? 

Comrades, you could redeem yourselves  by performing one really  good circus trick  - disappearing completely.

Yours in the struggle for life, liberty, the pursuit of ice cream businesses  and the removal of bumbilating politicians.


Tips for the blogger gratefully accepted 

Capitec Bank, South Africa  
O Tichmann 
+27 833970723

Wednesday, 10 January 2024

How to Win Voters and Influence People

Dear ANC

You never disappoint. I've been concerned that you may not be able to top 'smallanyana skeletons', ruling till Jesus returns and other unforgettable, immortal quotes.

But you have again reminded us never to underestimate your genius for the truly bizarre. Apartheid runs amok through the land, burning buildings, stuffing up everything that can be stuffed up.  And even some things that, in a normal world,  cannot be stuffed up with the best will. 

You have topped all of that. Not even swart gevaar of days gone by could set people on a tremble like the prospect of losing student grants and social grants. Bravo! Perhaps we learned this brilliant electioneering tactic from our maste..., pardon, friends in Moscow. Or are we at the exalted place where we could teach them a thing or two? In addition, that is, to training them in the use of the nighttime fokol that we loaded onto their ship.

I believe that you need to turn up the volume on threats, sorry, warnings of this kind. For always at my back I hear, the polling day approaching near. Apologies to T S Eliot. 

You really need to work this apartheid thing. You've got to get it to the sinister, scary heights of the White Walkers legend in Game of Thrones. I don't want to be rude, but given your, er, dismal, comical performance in government, what else can you take to the voters?

A friend called it dirty, dishonest, fear-mongering electioneering. (So serious, my 'clever black' and 'colonial clerk' friends).  I would not go that far. It's pit toilet grade stuff but there are those who would drink sulphuric acid if the Great Leaders called it kool aid. This is as brilliant as anything vomit..., sorry, churned out by great strategists like Stalin and the North Korean bloke with the Afrikaans name - Jong something.

Viva ANC. Viva!

Yours in the struggle to renew the great Liberation Movement.


Tips for the blogger gratefully accepted 

Capitec Bank, South Africa  
O Tichmann 
+27 833970723

Tuesday, 9 January 2024

Confessions of a Colonial Clerk

Dear Aunt Betty 

 I am in desperate need of your advice.  I have endured such scorn and abuse as is usually reserved for those who suggest that Mr Zuma so much as glanced sideways at dirty money.

The thing is: I don't know why. You see, I penned a perfectly harmless tweet and signed it 'Colonial Clerk'. I am indeed a clerk in an Eastern Cape municipality. As some of us still call the Eastern Cape 'eKoloni' (the Colony), I thought this a mildly witty effort. An avalanche of vitriol descended on me from supporters of the ANC, EFF and a dozen other abbreviated organisations. I had no idea that clerical work was so despised. Some accused me of being in league with the Oppressors. 

So depressed was I by the negativity and naked hatred that I began seeing a psychiatrist. We have been dating now for six months. That is going well except for when she frequently asks: "How does that make you feel?" The other problem still remains. I still get angry and sarcastic questions about Johan Rupert
(whom I have never met), the CIA and my 'handlers'. I thought that being in the company of such well-known people as Redi Tlabi, Thuli Madonsela and Phumlani Majozi might help, but despair weighs me down like a smallanyana, but weighty, skeleton in the cupboard.

Should I resign my position or request a name change to my job title? That seems to have worked very well for various cities and streets on South Africa. Many of them are still impoverished and filthy but there's something about a new name. Like wearing one's new Christmas clothes for a day, before getting back into one's grubby shorts and party t-shirt.

Perhaps I should join the new Mkhonto party. It seems to have given Mr Zuma a new lease on life. I am already a card-carrying EFF member (aside from my Pick 'n Pay and Shoprite cards). I feel that it is time for change, as my psychiatrist friend keeps reminding me. Perhaps being in a party that scores above ten percent in by-elections will revive my flagging spirits. Don't get me wrong. I thoroughly enjoy singing jolly songs about killing people, while marching on an assortment of despicable organisations. I just have a hunch that this new party may well represent the noblest, purest aspirations of our people.

Aunt Betty, I treasure your advice as Mr Ramaphosa treasures ANC unity, love and peace. And the preservation of their good name and reputation for competence and integrity. I hope to hear from you soon. I'll listen on the radio, loadshedding permitting.

Yours in the struggle for restored respectability.


Tips for the blogger gratefully accepted 

Tymebank , South Africa  
O Tichmann 
+27 833970723