Tuesday 20 April 2021

Celebrating Mediocrity

 A student leader was interviewed on SABC TV today. The interview raised two intriguing questions:

1. Is he really a student? 
If so, he clearly skipped Communication and English lectures. I gathered three important facts:
a. The students were unhappy about several things 
b. A hippo wandered down the road
c. The hippo caught fire mysteriously 

2. Is he really a leader?
Of  course, there's the possibility that he, like the hippo, was wandering down the road and took the opportunity to have a quick TV interview. That's the best I can do with one of the strangest interviews I've heard this year.

The interviewer was not a lot better. 'The police opened rubber bullets', was one of his astute observations. I wonder what they found inside them. Rubber?

We are encouraged to report the broadcasting of hate speech, explicit sexual content etc. Is there someplace that we can report the rape of language and commonsense?

Perhaps I'm just a cranky over - 
50, but 'mediocrity' and 'dumbing down' spring to mind as I flick through the national broadcaster's offerings. An alien observing us would be forgiven for thinking that we are preoccupied with dancing, discussing the most inconsequential things to death and giggling at our own inanity. Why does it take the BBC to film interesting, thought-provoking documentaries in South Africa? In the land of Jayzed, Dr Ace, Commander Carl, the ANCient Ones, that's unforgivable.

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