Monday 20 June 2022

Sofas, Cash and Mysteries

 Dear Mr Fraser

Your steely gaze from the pages of various newspapers seems to reflect the determination of a bulldog with a liberal dash of bloodhound. One that will not relent until its fangs are firmly lodged in the fleshy depths of the intended target's backside.

I am sure that you also pat little children on the head and feed stray cats. Your concern for justice, righteousness and truth must be evident to anyone who visits the correct news outlets.

Your time in London was clearly not wasted. No treasures buried in the depths of sofas or mattresses can evade your X- ray-like scrutiny. Did you sit at the feet of MI5, MI6 or some other alphaneumerically named organization?

Sir, those skills must not be wasted. South Africa needs you.  The wheels of justice are grinding excruciatingly slowly. There are mysteries galore to be solved. Scores of dark deeds to be dragged into the bright Mzansi sunlight. Let me mention but a few.

Truckloads of cash are alleged to have been moved by our security cluster to destinations as yet unknown. There are stories of ministers romping around the globe like Peter Pan on speed. The financing of said romps is of interest. So much unfinished business.

I am particularly interested in three intriguing stories. The first is that a gentleman did one of those sell-your-soul deals with a bunch of devils. Spicy details involve delicious curries, bags of cash and friends with benefits. Then there's the alleged rape of the treasury and the security clusters. You might already know something about the latter. The third story involves the allegedly premature, slightly dodgy, ill-considered release from custody of the gentleman mentioned earlier. I bet you can't wait to get your teeth into that one.

Just imagine them all as metaphorical sofas, fat and bulging with cash in a variety of denominations. South Africa expects you to do your duty.

Yours in the struggle to track down all who have, in the words of Horatio (Hamlet)  uphoarded in their lives extorted treasure in the womb of earth.


Tips for the blogger gratefully accepted 

Capitec Bank, South Africa  
O Tichmann 
+27 833970723


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