As Secretary General of TABA (Theft And Burglary Association), I write to you now more in sorrow than in anger.
You ignored our heartfelt plea for moderation. To quote Kenneth Kaunda, we came in the spirit of give and take and now we come in the spirit of take (something to that effect). Those words will surely resonate with you.
You have besmirched and brought into disrepute our noble profession. Our reputation and brand are in tatters. Putting the slightest spin on the words of the Danish prince: 'They clepe us hogs and with swinish phrase soil our addition'.
Not only do you rob rich, poor and utterly destitute indiscriminately but you indulge in the vilest of anti-competitive behaviour. We do not pretend to be anything but what we are: proud carriers of the traditions of Robin Of Locksley, Ned Kelly and other patron saints. You, hyenas in sheep's clothing, hide behind positions, titles and unsavoury alliances. You are also guilty of the worst form of insider trading, which we frown upon. Come out of the closet, we say.
Even the mafia, whom we despise, have a code of honour. "Never was so much stolen from so many by so few", to quote some English chap.
We have declared you a kind of South African ronin, bandits without boundaries (with apologies to the ronin, who had principles).
Let it be known that we have struck you off the roll of professional thieves and burglars. Further, expect correspondence from our legal counsel. A class action lawsuit wiil follow should you not cease and desist. And also stop your nonsense.
Yours in disgust.
Peter Pompies
Secretary General TABA
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O Tichmann
+27 833970723