Sunday 22 November 2020

Banana Peel Republic

Dear ANC And Fellow South Africans

 I thought that the era of the clowns was over. That the curtain had come down on the long, irksome, painful comedy. Ending with the gentleman who recently took his long walk to further infamy. 

 There are the silly clowns who make children laugh. There are the sinister clowns of horror movies. Only those who have slept through the movie don't know which category you belong to. And that goes for the scarlet clad clowns who prance and posture while the country burns. As if opportunities for grandstanding actually equate to achievement. 

 Of course it was not even the beginning of the end. Merely the beginning of another downward spiral. It is exhausting to catalogue the comedy of horrors. 

We have appointed people to serve in important positions whose qualifications, inclinations and abilities suited them only for the lowest kind of comedy. We should not be surprised that most things that government touch turn in an instant to human waste. That's what happens when all frolic and none leads. The waste seeps into every orifice of government. It all emanates from leadership.

 Observe the queues at any government department and see how much your government holds you in contempt, people of South Africa. Some attention to process, some leadership - all-day queues dont have to be a fact of life. Especially not for mothers with babies and the elderly. Nothing in this resembles the democracy we fought for. I would guess that the Bosasa queues were a lot easier than the SASSA queues. 

 We are a banana peel republic. Cabinet ministers and every level of leadership down to the supervisor of that government department you queue at, gives you the finger. Serving is the last thing on their minds. 

If it were otherwise, you would be treated as if your life mattered. 

 This has to be the most high - priced, dreadful circus imaginable.


Tips for the blogger gratefully accepted 

Capitec Bank, South Africa  
O Tichmann 
+27 833970723


  1. if it were otherwise, you would be treated as if your life mattered......; enough said!!!
