Dear Mr Malema.
Dr Google tells me that it will cost a mere 1.2 million to rub shoulders and other relevant body parts with you at your upcoming anniversary celebration.
At my 10th birthday celebration all that I got was a Chinese-made toy car which disintegrated on contact with a brick wall. I like the way you comrades think - big and bold. I certainly like the materialistic aspect of your dialectical materialism. In truth the EFF is growing on me, as I am sure it is growing on all right thinking, sorry, left thinking South Africans. I had already set aside the sum of two million rands for this great occasion. Who would not jump at the opportunity to sit next to the CIC and next president of this great country? I imagine that the revolutionary nuggets that would fall from your lips between bites of the chicken Kiev ( more likely chicken Moskva) would be, well.... revolutionary. They would probably make the works of chairman Mao and that Marx brother look like the Diary of a Wimpy Kid.
Alas, the recent plummeting of the rand has left me in penury. This comes on top of the destruction of my VBS investments. You are the party for the poor and the stuffed - around. As one of the nouveau-poor, I have a proposal. I plan to hover at a strategic spot where I can hoover up the crumbs of superior logic bound to fall. I do have some listening equipment that I picked up from a novelty store before the rand crash. Needless to say, I am constantly inspired by your eloquence and the profound workings of your beautiful mind. I never understood what that Greek chap meant when he said that there is no difference between life and death. Until you illustrated it by boldly stating that you would die and / or kill for Zuma. Not necessarily in that order I imagine.
I would appreciate it if the odd polystyrene container of leftovers could be sent my way. I trust that, at over a million, the food will be of a quality that would have Gordon Ramsay muttering assorted f-words under his breath in envy. Please don't trouble Floyd as I'm sure that he will address his plates with the same dedicated ferocity that he reserves for capitalists and other enemies of the people. I so look forward to hearing of grand plans for smart cities and bullet trains - sorry, that's the other guy. I meant plans for wide open borders to allow diligent, innovative investors to stream through, hugging designs for new factories and enterprises to their breasts. Plans for your coronation and for a dispensation that ensures the presence of a plump chicken in every pot, Nando's peri-peri sauce of choice accompanying. A Brave New World arising out of the ashes and sewage. I am reminded of this old song, slightly edited:
What we need is a great big melting pot, Big enough to take Moz, Zim and all it's got.
keep it churning for a dozen years or more.
Turn out smiling Panaf brothers by the score.
I am not yet a card-carrying EFF member. I did carry a placard while watching your stunningly successful shutdown march on TV news. All ten minutes of it. I am however ready to be catapulted over the edge by the persuasive force of superior logic and superior cuisine. You will find in me a staunch ally for as long as there is solid doctrine and equally solid chow to be had.
Yours in whatever struggle you opt for next.
Tips for the blogger gratefully accepted
Capitec Bank, South Africa
O Tichmann
+27 833970723