Thursday, 29 July 2021

Long March

Dear EFF Leadership 

I have always been in the vanguard during our historic marches. At least in spirit. 

I lost my beret in Brackenfell (not the title of a country song).
I am concerned, though, that the marches are becoming increasingly hazardous. Despite my unquenchable revolutionary fervour, I could not suppress a shiver on hearing that we would march on an old-age home. Do you have any idea how dangerous senior citizens can be? They ran Zimbabwe into the ground. Some say that they are doing the same in South Africa. I was relieved to see community members standing as a buffer between us.

As a committed ground forces member, I obey without thought..., I mean, hesitation. Leaders, do you have any plans for marching on orphanages or homeless shelters? I would like to prepare myself mentally. 'Screw my courage to the sticking place', as some talentless, racist, colonialist, so-called playwright wrote. 

I wish to point out that, like our Great Leader, I am willing to kill..,sorry, die for the cause. Living has advantages, though, and I do hope to live to see what's left of the land returned to  what's left of The People.

Yours in the long march to freedom and free stuff.


Tuesday, 27 July 2021

RET, EFF and History

 Dear RET and EFF Gangs

Please note that I use the word 'gangs' with great respect. In its most innocent, innocuous sense. As in, for example, Kool and the Gang. And you certainly embody cool. Tweeting and whatsapping away, not raising a sweat, while the madness rages.

Great strategists are keenly aware of history. Your utterances and recent events tell us that you are firmly in that WhatsApp group. You have clearly studied the Nongqawuse strategem with keen insight. For colonialists, clever blacks and other white - tendencied types who are ignorant of that glorious episode, a summary:

'Nongqawuse claimed that the spirits of the ancestors had spoken to her from a pool in the Gxara River.

If the people would only kill all their cattle and burn their crops, a day would come when new cattle and crops would arise along with an army of the ancestors who would drive the whites into the sea.'

Colonialist history claims that that didn't end well. I would ignore that.

Of course, it would be taking things too far to drive the enemy into the sea. Let the buggers walk. May I ask that you don't use Treasure Beach. The fishing's been good lately.

Much as one hates to reference a white guy, the bile, hatred and blame strategem worked for the guy with the snazzy moustache. Villify in general terms (e.g. 'Juden'). Do it often. Works like a nice, regular dose of arsenic. How's it going for you guys?

Yours in the struggle to reclaim what's left after the cleansing.


Sunday, 25 July 2021


 We may not be able to defeat these swine, but we don't have to join them.

Dear Fellow South Africans 

Scrolling through the thought-provoking content on Twitter, I came across a bizarre video clip. I could not identify the country. It couldn't have been South Africa. People were running amok, looting and burning buildings. Things our disciplined cadres would never do.

Here's the bizarre bit. Two men were carrying a live pig through the chaos in the streets. My first thought was: where in the name of  Muck did they find a live pig? The second was that it was kind of them to rescue the obviously frightened animal.

I showed a friend. He is a cynic of note. 
"Well", said he. "I don't know whether this is a coup attempt  or not, but for the pig, that's a fait accompli."
As I don't understand Spanish, I was perplexed.

He went on to say that the practice of carrying pigs was nothing new. In his country, he said, the people bore the burden of sleek, fat (sorry, plus-sized) swine on their shoulders daily. What was new was a couple of swine carrying a third. I was now thoroughly confused.

"Forget about it." I didn't like the glint in his eyes. "They were probably just practicing for the Olympic swine race. We're a cert for gold."

I was as confused as if I'd just heard a classic speech by Dr Ace or a celebrity political commentator.

Please let me have your interpretation, if this makes any sense to you. In English.

Yours in the struggle for clarity.


Friday, 23 July 2021

Superior Intelligence

 'This week, two ministers gave differing accounts on whether the SSA presented the police with intelligence' - from a news website

Dear Mr Cele 

I am concerned about the quality of intelligence that you are receiving. The Mann Enterprise for Resolving Dire Emergencies (MERDE) stands ready to assist. More than I can say for....,sorry, that slipped out.

We have access to unconventional but superior intelligence sources. What's more, they are actually intelligent. Madam Zuzu, our neighbourhood psychic had several visions before the current madness. I did not pay her sufficient attention, as she was halfway through a bottle of gin. She had a vision of livestock being carried through the streets.  Also one of a very hungry man watching Masterchef Australia on a brand new big-screen TV. Had I remembered that she accurately and consistently predicted the outcome of most Bafana matches, I would have paid more attention.

We tried to get in touch with a South African celebrity, celebrated for incisive analysis. Unfortunately he was occupied with analysing incidents of cheating on partners. Deep stuff, apparently.

Fortunately, I was able to spend time with our local political commentator, Peter Pompies, over a beer (purchased before the liquor ban). In the measured diction and precise academic language one has come to expect, he said: 'Hier gaan k.k kom". 

Sir, we are ready to share this kind of valuable information with you, going forward. Or backward, depending on how things are handled in your circles.

Yours in the struggle for superior intelligence.


Wednesday, 21 July 2021

The Wisdom Of Jabba The Hutt

 Dear TV Producers 

A  news channel treated us to the wisdom of South African celebrities. Jub Jub's profound insights into the civil unrest were discussed. Whose Solomonic pronouncements will we hear next? Jabba The Hutt? 

Some of you may argue that there are people far better qualified to comment. Don't be ridiculous. The man hosts Uyajola, an uplifting programme. He is a hip hop artist. Knows something about racing cars. So what doesn't qualify him? 

We've had airtime given to the likes of Dr Ace and the other Zuma  Nothing wrong with that. Great content for something other than a news channel. Perhaps our version of America's Funniest Home Videos. We have reporters who remind one of the pain of listening to the kids who wrestled with reading at school. We are fed. 

I suggest that the media people take it up a couple of notches. Let's have some druglords and hijackers share their insights. All in the interests of provoking thought and debate. 

My neighbours, Lawrence and Koos are celebrities at Pat's, the local sports bar. With the help of something  like Digital Vibes, I can hook you up with them. 

Till then, keep up the stimulating stuff.

Yours in the quest for soul-searching, thought-provoking, quality content.


Tuesday, 20 July 2021

What About Kakistan?

 I want to distract South Africans from our recent  / current troubles. Also to reassure the 'Whatabout' crowd that we are not the only earthlings burning our country about our ears.

The Mann Enterprise for Resolving Dire Emergencies (MERDE) unearthed a fascinating Twitter exchange between government officials in Kakistan. Here's the thread:

@A: Big trouble in Kazedan Province. Burning, rioting, looting. Send army.

@B: LOL. It's not a war.

@A: People will get hurt, maybe die.

@B: People get hurt roller skating. People die choking on fishbones. LMFAO.

@A: This is serious.

@B: So is the locust plague. War is defined as: 
a state of armed conflict between different countries or different groups within a country.
SBWL ice cream

A week later

@A: Told you
@B: Still not a war. Anyway we lost only half the province. And a few years. And some smart-alec investors.

@A: This was an insurrection 

@B: An insurrection is defined as:
a violent uprising against an authority or government 

@A: WTF!


Saturday, 17 July 2021

A G.A.T.V.O.L Public Announcement

The Geopolitical Academy for Tracking Viruses Occurring 
Locally (GATVOL), makes this announcement in the interests of public safety.

We have identified at least two viruses posing great danger to the health of South Africans.

The Ank virus tricks the body into accepting it as a beneficial nutrient. Once ensconced within the cells, the virus siphons off nutrients until the body is severely malnourished and dehydrated. Interestingly, though subtle at first, the virus grows increasingly voracious with time. Not unlike a herd of swine tucking into a full trough. 

This virus often gives rise to several variants. These compete ferociously for dominance, draining the body of any remaining nutrients, energy and strength. They then continue to feed hungrily off the dying body.

The F virus is thought  be a variant of the Ank virus.  It is similar in some of its behaviour. Also competing with  the Ank virus, the F  lacks subtlety. It merely rampages through the body. There is no mistaking it for anything but what it is: an entity that exists to wreak havoc and destruction.  This variant is thought to be responsible for such conditions as Volatile Behaviour Syndrome (VBS). Under the microscope, it bears a remarkable resemblance to Pacman. Most of its surface resembles a gigantic, wide - gaping mouth. One of our German scientists said that he was reminded of a figure from his country's past history. Pressed for detail, he refused to comment further. "This is science", he said. "Not history ".

Fortunately, the laboratories of
Veracity, Menschlichkeit and Verstand have developed a highly effective regimen. Taken consistently, it rids the body of all variants over time. 

South Africans, please be on the alert.