Dear Ms Zuma-Sambudla
Thank you for the invitation below (by tweet):
It's to your father's court appearance in Pietermaritzburg. Nothing like an exciting court case to kick the week into life.
Did you really mean all? I have a large, diverse group of friends, some from Afriforum, the DA and various Stratcom and WMC - aligned groupings. We will certainly be there. I take it there'll be dancing. A vigorous knees-up is always good for circulation and getting a positive mood going.
At the risk of being pedantic, you did omit an adjective in the invitation. I realise that space is an issue on Twitter and perhaps you could not fit in the word 'former'.
I need to ask a couple of favours. Please give us an update on your father's health, closer to the hour. He's been looking forward to his day in court for some time now. Prolonged excitement and anticipation can take a physical toll. That's according to Google and my copy of 'Medicine For Dummies'. I'd hate to make the trip only to find out that he hasn't.
Please also share the itinerary for speakers. Dr Ace tends to use up many words to say little. I'll pass on his contribution. I do enjoy Commander Carl's rant..., sorry, oratory. He reminds me of another fellow, name now forgotten. I think he was a keen horseman. Not that they had much in common. It's just that they are both white, with exquisite taste in camouflage gear. and the gift of oratory.
Of course, the former president's address is certain to be the substantial icing on the cake. One looks forward to jaw-dropping revelations about conspiracies, spies, traitors, plotters and a delicious assortment of villainous types. I can hardly wait.
I read that Pietermaritzburg has become a dirty, dangerous city. It's reassuring that Commander Carl and several other military people are bound to be there. Makes one feel safe.
I gobble up your tweets. One does have to re-read them sometimes to fully grasp the subtle, profound messages. I look forward to seeing you in the flesh.
Yours in Solidarity.
Tips for the blogger gratefully accepted
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O Tichmann
+27 833970723