Sunday 27 June 2021


 Dear Fellow South Africans 

It is an established fact that the EFF uses superior logic. Floyd said so. To the best of my knowledge, he was sober at the time. I am sure that they applied their beautiful minds in logical fashion to the vaccine issue.

I am solidly behind their cause (the same position I usually take during marches). They must have mulled over, masticated and digested some of these indisputable arguments.

1. Who can make vodka like the Russians? I suspect that the whole cold war thing stemmed from American envy. Prohibition was nothing but a cunning plot by those decadent warmongers to harm the vodka trade. Making vaccines involves playing around with bacteria or viruses, weakening them etc. Making vodka involves playing around with microorganisms in yeast. What's the big deal? In fact, vodka - making is more complex, with the added challenge of finding suitable potatoes. 

I could make these things myself (vaccines), with the help of Google, were it not that I've been so busy.

2. I believe that the West has imbued the process with mystery. All the  scientific mumbo jumbo is designed to shut out the people. It's the wicked profit motive gone rampant.

3. The Chinese came up with gunpowder, kung fu and acupuncture ages ago. What has the West given us, apart from KFC, medical discoveries, engineering achievements, technological advances and some other stuff? Nothing, I tell you. Democracy, you say. Well, that doesn't work. In South Africa.

Even the vaccine names tell you something. Pfizer sounds like an effervescent solution for digestive problems. Sputnik has an earthy, of - the - people, feet - on - the - ground flavour. I am sure that the Chinese vaccine has a name people can identify with. Something like Heavenly Balm For Eternal, Harmonious Wellbeing.

4. A last, telling point. I have not seen a single sick 
Russian or Chinese person in South Africa.

Having made the case, I'm happy to take questions on my return from a march.

Yours in the struggle against conspiracies.


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