Dear Dudu
You have been rather quiet. Those inspirational messages that you used to post, full of good cheer and serene benevolence towards all men, have not graced the twittersphere lately.
(Please note that 'men' is my pronoun for men, women, smaller persons and the undecided - all protocol observed, or something).
The Durban wind was howling like a demented soul last night. I don't know why, but it brought to mind your frequent. eloquent musings on Twitter. I recall how you reached a record low, juxtaposing a picture of a well-known person against that of an ape. I assume that you were not sued because that was mean-spirited, low and vulgar enough to be considered truly beneath contempt.
So much better when you tweeted about family breakfasts with your excellent father. Heartwarming stuff. Good to read that you have stimulating discussions at the breakfast table. You mentioned one such about blowpipes or blowjobs - something along those lines. I assumed that this is similar to archery but using older, indigenous weapons. Not having participated in or watched this particular sport, I consulted Dr Google. I was a little taken aback at what appeared. Also disappointed that Dr Google had no further information. This is perhaps a sport known only to a small group of enthusiasts? Probably people with an interest in the weaponry of indigenous peoples (tribes of the Amazon etc.).
I imagine that you have thrown your full support behind your father's efforts in his new role as chairperson of some acronym. The new job is probably as demanding as his previous one. What was it again? Oh, yes president and Excellency. This could explain why we've not seen tweets with the usual celebrations of dubious, obscure victories, paeans of praise for dubious, obscure persons or vitriolic, upper-case laden attacks on an assortment of foes. Please keep up the good work, whatever it is.
While I'm quite curious about the blowpipe / blowjob concept, I'm content that the 'answer is blowing in the wind'.
I wish you joy and satisfaction in your new-found interests.
Yours in the struggle to find fun, stimulating pastimes for the whole family.
Tips for the blogger gratefully accepted
Capitec Bank, South Africa
O Tichmann
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