Wednesday, 15 February 2023

Gum Control

Dear Mr Lesufi 

You have ascended from Ghostbuster- like hunting down of racists and racism at schools, to the dizzy heights of philosopher-premier. 

As is customary, promises trotted out like proud lipizzaners at their showground best. 

Then a celebrity was horribly assassinated. With the agility of a seasoned politician, without passing Begin, or collecting R200, you leapt to a solution to end all solutions. Gun control. This one must have flashed upon you like sheet lightning across the Gauteng skies. Sir, you made Einstein look somewhat pedestrian and Edison less than lightbulb bright.

Of course.  Let the law abiding citizens hand in their licensed guns and the murderous villains are sure to follow suit. How could they do otherwise? Mr Lesufi wishes it so. What a plan! Incandescent in its brilliance,  stunning in its simplicity. Why didn't I think of that? I feel so stupid.

So taken was I with the idea that it inhabited my dreams. I saw the brutal criminals beating their Ak 47s into ploughshares, lions and escaped tigers lying down with lambs. Angelic music  filled the air. I awoke with a smile on my lips, a song in my heart. 'To DreamThe Impossible Dream' I think it was. 

Sir, you take your place at the tables of the immortals in the Valhalla of Ideas To Remember. Before you, go the other greats: gigantic flag monuments, multi, multi-million rand sports sponsorships. All the MSAGA ideas (Make South Africa Great Again).

Had you been there at the right time, you could probably have prevented the second world war with similar, logical, practical insights. One imagines a shamefaced Adolf handing over his weapons:
"Entschuldigen Sie bitte. Es tut mir Leid."

Tweaking a line from a song: what would we do without your smart minds?

Yours in the struggle for gum control.


Tips for the blogger gratefully accepted 

Capitec Bank, South Africa  
O Tichmann 
+27 833970723

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