Monday, 17 May 2021

The South African Hunger Games

 Let's be frank. Our elections have nothing to do with competence, track record, integrity. In truth, none of those silly relics of colonial thought are relevant. We are about entertainment, showbiz and, er, subtle inducements.

Municipal elections approach. I propose an appropriate format for our times and our beloved country. A showbiz extravaganza that has all the elements that make our elections so special. Televised, this will give the national broadcaster a powerful shot in the butt. Far better than the mindless gibbering about 'open'.

First up would be the game show Family Feud. The ANC should ace that one. 

Braaimasters next, as the contest heats up. The ANC could do roosterbrood, buttered on both sides. Floyd could batter something for the EFF. The DA would argue among themselves about the colour and consistency of the marinade. Skilpaaidjies would nicely symbolize the FF+ march of progress. Toast for Cope.

Politicians Got Talent would have our honourables doing what they do best. Jumping through hoops, magically making stuff disappear, stand-up comedy, song and dance. 

After those exertions, a relaxing Balderdash contest would round things off beautifully.  This popular game involves making up imaginative definitions for various unfamiliar words. The ANC could tackle 'integrity', ' service', 'decency'. For the EFF, add the difficult  'credibility',   'consistency' and 'dignity'.  'Reality' should challenge the DA - for starters. For the rest, 'relevance' should have them puzzling mightily. The climax would be having them all wrap their heads around 'vision' and 'nation-building'.

There you have it, fellow South Africans: The Election Games. Also nicknamed The Hunger Games.

Tuesday, 11 May 2021

The Real Nine O' Clock News

 Dear Fellow South Africans 

I need your help - really.

I awoke from a pleasant dream this afternoon. Dr Ace was apologizing to me for something. He had just handed me a wad of cash and some share certificates for a housing project. A thunderous explosion had me leaping to my feet mid - snore.

There on ETV news was a chaotic battle in mid - Joburg. Friends later told me not to be ridiculous. That it was a Marvel Comics movie. I don't believe that and fully expect to see the video on Yusuf Abramjee's Twitter timeline.

We regularly have little red men marching around causing chaos. We have a farting pastor, two senior citizens hogging headlines for brazenness and buffoonery and much more. There's nothing unusual about a huge green man battling a giant robot, while a fellow in an iron suit flies overhead. Besides, here's irrefutable proof:

1. While Johannesburg crumbled around them, residents went about their business. A little perturbed yes, but not hysterical. I could have
 sworn that I saw two vendors selling magwinyas amidst the mayhem.

2. No - one was arrested. The police fired thousands of rounds and missed the guilty parties.

3. Someone said: 'Bruce Banner will not be arrested'. That's the clincher. None of the people who stripped and destroyed the country have been arrested. That's definitely real South Africa.

I know that you don't usually respond to my requests but please, please make an exception. This is critical. I have a R100 bet riding on it.

Yours in the struggle for real news reporting.


Monday, 10 May 2021

Ace In The Hole

 Dear Fellow South Africans 

I have formed an organisation called Defence of Ace (DA). Our first act is to  clearly prove and show that if anyone should apologise, it is the dark, or rather, pale forces of White Monopoly Capital.

Applying the sort of rational, unemotional approach that a philosopher such as Dr Ace might use, we put the following to you.

Were it not for apartheid and all its attendant evils, we would not be in this somewhat awkward position. In fact, the formation of the ANC would not have been necessary. One could terminate this argument right here. We have exposed the heart of darkness.

However, as the serpent still slithers in our midst (and we need to meet the required number of words for this letter), let us delve deeper.

Our theory, based on various clues not immediately evident to the untrained eye, is as follows. The so-called counter-suspension letter was a devilishly clever forgery. We quote:

"I have also, in accordance with the powers vested in me as the secretary-general of the ANC, and furthermore, in full compliance with the relevant conference resolutions summarily, suspended the president of the ANC, Comrade Cyril Ramaphosa (sic)," 

Below is what we believe Dr Ace actually wrote. Note the similarities. So easy for a cunning forger to produce the counterfeit above.

'I have also, in accordance with the responsibility vested in me as the secretary general of the ANC, and furthermore, in full compliance with the relevant conference resolutions, summarily suspended all my activities, deferring to the president of the ANC, Comrade Cyril Ramaphosa.'

Dear fellow South Africans, the Stellenbosch Mafia and others may underestimate our intelligence and vigilance. Study the suspected forgery above. Dr Ace would never use the word 'sic'. Just one of several clues. 

We therefore say: de Klerk, Rupert and the rest, we await your apology.

Yours in the struggle for justice, truth and other good stuff.


Tips for the blogger gratefully accepted 

Capitec Bank, South Africa  
O Tichmann 
+27 833970723


Thursday, 6 May 2021

Dr Ace's Catch 2021

 Dear Dr Ace

I know you to be a philosopher (honorary turkey..., sorry, Turkish university degree).

Brilliant that you now show us another dimension. What a sense of humour. Reminds me of Major Major Major Major in 'Catch 22'. I suppose we could call this particular satire / comedy Catch 2021. 'Suspense rises as suspended Secretary General suspends president.'

I'm sure we'll be seeing more of this sort of thing as soccer and rugby players fish red cards out of their back pockets. Of course, we need a Catch 22 - type rule to manage suspensions. I suggest the following:

"Any Secretary General of the ANC may lawfully suspend any other member, passerby or likely looking candidate, unless said SG has himself / herself been suspended, in which case the suspension letter must be backdated and accompanied by a picture of the suspender with a copy of the day's newspaper. 

Catch 2021

When a counter-suspension has been issued, the validity of both the initial suspension and the counter-suspension shall be debated and / or decided at an NEC meeting, followed by various other meetings to be decided upon at said NEC meeting. Marches, threats, hysterical outcries and unintelligible statements may form an organic part of the process but will not be taken into account in arriving at a decision. Unless one or both parties decide otherwise.

There, sir, I'm sure that clears it up.

The best form of defence is attack. You have done so brilliantly and with great humour. Better to go out doubled up with laughter. Well done sir.

Yours in the struggle for fresh, original humour.


Tips for the blogger gratefully accepted 

Capitec Bank, South Africa  
O Tichmann 
+27 833970723


Monday, 3 May 2021

Confessions Down South

 Overheard in a confessional.

"Father, I am a politician."
"No sin is too great for God's love, my son."
"No, father. It's that I redeployed  large sums of taxpayers' money. I was overcome by a force too strong for me."
"Are you saying that the devil made you do it?"
"No, father. Apartheid."
"What did you do with the money, my son?"
"I gave to the poor, my family. They are no longer poor."
"You must now step aside from this path, my son."
"I'll try, father. It's difficult. As the poet said:
'When I consider how my loot is spent,
E're half my days..'

Second congregant:
"Father, I went on a wild spree: wine, women and song. Can I be forgiven?"
"No sin is too great for God's love, my son."
"Father, I also voted ANC and EFF. I was overcome by a force too strong for me."
"The evil one?"
"Food parcels, braais, song and dance."
"God sees your repentant heart, my son."
"But, father, despite all that I have seen and experienced, I did it several times."
"Oh, no, my son!"

Tips for the blogger gratefully accepted 

Capitec Bank, South Africa  
O Tichmann 
+27 833970723

Saturday, 1 May 2021

With Hindsight

 Dear Fellow South Africans  

The president faced questions about campaign contributions. Surely none of us can escape scrutiny.

I am therefore stepping up to the wicket of my own free will. 

I wish to clarify and explain the circumstances around my campaign to be class president several years ago. My campaign was financed by Bassa's General Dealers, purveyors of fine sweets and confections. This was common practice at the time. Indeed, worldwide, I suspect. I must state categorically that no promises were made or implied. There was no expected quo for the quid. I did recommend Bassa's to classmates but that, too, was common practice. With hindsight, perhaps the full nelson was a persuasive technique no longer appropriate in these more enlightened times.

It was also common practice to lobby for votes on various issues. For example, we defeated a vote of no confidence after some civilized, rational discussion. And negotiating techniques widely used internationally (Sicily, Colombia etc.). Again, with hindsight, things could have been done differently. The soles of the feet are apparently better suited for this sort of thing. That's according to the better espionage thrillers.

We also used cadre deployment. Our deployees, however, were well muscl.., sorry, qualified. Disciplined too, as they never questioned decisions, regardless of how, er, innovative those were.

It's important to point out that policy was never made on Twitter or Facebook. Ours was a collegiate leadership. Besides, we had only Mixit back then.

I am ready and willing to testify at the commission's pleasure. Health permitting, of course. It is flu season.

Yours in the struggle for full disclosure.


Tips for the blogger gratefully accepted 

Capitec Bank, South Africa  
O Tichmann 
+27 833970723

Saturday, 24 April 2021

Scavengers: The Movie

 Dear Fellow South Africans 

We South Africans often underestimate our abilities and talents. Who says we can't compete with the best of foreign filmmakers? I'm not referring to the award - winning octopus movie. Let's go bigger and bolder.

I watched several of the Avengers movies. Let me tell you that we can lick them with one hand tied to a food parcel.
They have the X-Men and Thor, god of thunder. We have ex-men and women who have mutated into gods of plunder. In one of the Avenger movies, parts of Johannesburg were destroyed during an epic battle. That's nothing. Our Scavengers destroyed most of South Africa without breaking into a sweat.

Why, by the way, was the attack not reported by the contemptible WMC media? Oh no, too busy attacking heroes of the revolution (the comedy revolution).

Which so-called superhero can bend the minds of millions of people to his will?  Can Captain America flit around the land defying the forces of law and order, gravity, logic and reason? And still be hailed as a hero by many? And that without even a teeny, tin shield. Scavengers rule.

Yours in the struggle for lekker, local epics.
