Dear Truth Seekers
I am forever indebted to the Daily Sun,
who opened my eyes to the shadow- world of zombies, tokoloshes and other denizens of the darkness without.
I should otherwise have gone about my tendering business blissfully ignorant. Now, into the limelight steps another truth torchbearer, Mama Winnie Junior, equally fearless, equally relentless in pursuit of the truth. Her reprimand below of some, poor, misguided Twitteratus, who dared impute incompetence to two stalwarts of The Party.
"Clearly you're ignorant. You think we don't see the white idiots behind Cele and Lamola that have succeeded in deliberately projecting black people as incompetent? You have a lot of learning to do and this tweets pronounces how brainwashed you are. Ai ave nidom Nic 🤣🤣"
The foghorn of truth. The lighthouse of clarity to a conspiracy-tossed nation. Aha, the sinister, hidden White Hand. But they cannot evade or elude your penetrating gaze, dear Mama Winnie (May I call you that?).
Indeed if the ministers have been manipulated by the mysterious White Hand then one cannot charge them with incompetence. Stupidity, yes, pliability, spinelessness - all of the above. I wonder how many other comrades, equally spineless, stupid and pliable have been manipulated for the last almost 30 years. We have certainly seen our share of what at face value looks like corruption, incompetence, clowning, bumbling. Well now we know that it was actually the insidious, Machiavellian manipulation of the feared White Hand, the real power behind the fragile throne.
Now do we look to The Usual Suspects; Soros, Gates, Biden, Rupert, Hersov, or are there new entrants in the field? Perhaps Zelensky, between skirmishes and salvoes. It's a difficult world, or, as Cat Stevens would have said: Ooh baby, it's a wild world. However, it is a comfort to know that we have among us those who are not easily fooled. 'Their eyes as clear as centuries', sang Paul Simon.
just one thing puzzles and I am sure that the many eager followers of your lucidly logical, analytical approach would love to know. If white idiots are behind this rather embarrassing episode, what does that make those who were fooled by said idiots? Intellectual titans?
South Africa is a movie, say many. Truly Winnie, I believe that you could supply Netflix with a year's worth of thrilling series. The White Hand would simply be the first of many. To misquote another singer "what would we do without your smart mind?".
Yours in the struggle against the modern variants of zombies and tokoloshes,
Tips for the blogger gratefully accepted
Capitec Bank, South Africa
O Tichmann
+27 833970723