Wednesday 4 August 2021

Grave News From G.A.T.V.O.L

 The Geopolitical Academy for Tracking Viruses Occurring Locally (G.A.T.V.O.L.) brought you the discovery of the Ank and F viruses in South Africa.

Our motto is 'We dig deeper' and we now bring grave news. Our research reveals that both variants can cause significant  damage in a little-known area of the brain. Scientific name: the conscientia et humanitate lobes. Often called 'skaam cells' by laymen. Indeed, this area may cease  functioning altogether with prolonged infection. 

The CeH lobes are largely responsible for our ablity to differentiate right from wrong, truth from manure etc. To put it succinctly, this is what restrains the average human being from mugging pensioners.

We advise the public to socially distance from:
Infected public figures,
Deposits of horse manure (interestingly, often found in close proximity to each other)

A complex psychological assessment is used to diagnose and identify. If subjects cannot distinguish between such concepts as 'thuggery', 'protest', 'politics', 'buffoonery' and others, there is cause for concern.

When we asked our scientists about treatment, the most common response was 'Eish'. 

However, in other countries, a long (and preferably, permanent) sabbatical has worked wonders.

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