Wednesday, 9 September 2020

Heart Of Darkness - SA Advertising

Dear Fellow South Africans

 My 'prophetic soul' long foresaw the shadow that advertisements would cast over the beloved land. This was written in the sunny days of the rule of Msholozi. 

 Heart Of Darkness 

 Call me Deep Throat. I am an advertising man. The courage and dogged determination of our former public protector inspired me to come out of the closet (which was darned uncomfortable anyway) and to move into a flat in hillbrow. I intend to do my part in ripping the veil off the pitted face of our Nation's history. A wise man, the mention of whose name modesty forbids (to quote another wise man) once said: 'those who do not learn the lessons of History are doomed to repeat matric'. 

 Our story unfolds during the dark days of total response to the total onslaught. If you are too young to know the history of such much-loved institutions as the Tricameral Parliament, please Google. It was in the very midnight of that dark and desperate time that I was visited by a pinstriped executive from a well-known manufacturer of washing powder, accompanied by two similarly attired gentlemen. Anxiety was etched upon their well-fed faces. I need to digress here. There was a time when black people appeared in advertisements only as smiling doormen or cleaners. You may think the change was evolutionary. This is how it really happened. In his best Oxford accent, the pinstriped gentleman addressed me. 'Jong', he said.'This whiter-than-white thing is not working. 'Simple', I replied. 'instead of your lady saying: look at these gravy stains, have her saying: look at these kota stains / quantum imprints / stab wound stains. This will speak to your emerging market'. 'Jolly super', he exclaimed, slapping his thigh and one of the flunkies. They left with tears of gratitude coursing down their plump cheeks. A New Era in South African advertising was born.

 Similarly, I advised an executive from a building society (now defunct, I think). 'Keep your jingle', I said. 'But instead of a house in the suburbs, show a portly, toe-tapping shebeen king outside his brand-new four roomed shebeen, singing: 

 Ain't it nice

 I got it with my slice. 

 In the background smiling delivery men do a soft shoe shuffle while neighbours applaud'. 

 VW produced a memorable advert in those days and that too plays a part about in this tale. The jingle, sung by cheerful employees went along these lines: 

 VW and me
 We all believe in quality
 We're your kind of people in the Volkswagen family. 

 Here's how that came to be. VW will of course deny this. Pik Botha, then foreign minister (and looking very foreign too, in a large overcoat and fur hat), visited me in the very witching hour. In the portentous sounding voice he normally reserved for UN debates, he said without preamble: 'The winds Of Change are blowing'. 'Indeed they are', I replied, pulling my coat tighter around me and closing a window. 'We need something to unite our people', he said. 'Nationalist voters?' 'No, all South Africans'. 'How about universal franchise?' 'Yes, yes', he said. 'Eventually. But right now we need an inspirational song - one we can all relate to. 

 'Picture this', I said. 'The camera on you, Pik, in the midst of heated debate. Suddenly you pause and in a deep baritone launch into song.

 PW and me 
 We all believe in equality

 Cut to Alan Hendrickse frolicking in the whites - only ocean, inKosi Buthelezi fulminating against sabre-rattling, PW raising a warning forefinger. All join in with: 

 We are the manne 

 Then cut to all three Houses, where MPs with shining, upturned faces take on the rousing tune. 

 PW and me
 We all believe in equality 
 We're your kind of people in the Volk 

 MP's, cabinet ministers, staff and visitors spill out onto the ample lawns Doves and balloons are released. Cheers and top hats fill the air. A plane flies low overhead, with a giant banner proclaiming South Africa / Suid Afrika. Fade to Black.

 There was a stunned silence. 'Jislaaik', said Pik, his eyes glowing with excitement, or it might have been the strong coffee he had had earlier.

 Alas, this is a tale of opportunity lost, of impotence at the very foot of Fortune's luxurious double bed. Craven cowardice won the day and an insipid song call Louis' Liedjie was used instead. It sank faster than the Titanic and with fewer traces. Disgusted, I offered the jingle to a car company. I am still awaiting the promised people's car that was to have been my reward. (I would have turned it down anyway as too extravagant a gift). I am not bitter but prefer to drive Tata to this day.

 Anyway let bygones be bygones. At least we still have Msholozi. 

 That's the truth folks.

 Yours in the quest for a transparent history. 


Hair On Your Chest, Democratic Alliance

Dear DA

 I know that you have just had your conference. In light of recent events, you might want to revisit some principles. Why go through that hard work in parliamentary sessions and committees? You can send a tweet and, to misquote Marc (not Marx), let slip the Jack Russells of war. 

I suggest a march on that fast food place that made fun of traditional dress. For starters (I trust they serve starters). We can then chew on some of the challenges inherent in this exciting approach to political discourse. I refer to collateral damage and the inevitable third force elements who disrupt peaceful protest. Would those be the guys who were arrested; whose pictures were displayed recently? 

The force that wasn't much in evidence initially was the police force. Perhaps regrouping, still traumatized by fierce encounters with the vicious illegal smokers and boozers. Saw a picture of one of those once, lips drawn back in a feral snarl behind the drooping cigarette. My blood froze. My fall was cushioned by some cartons of legal cigarettes, as I went into a dead faint. 

 Of course you must change your name. Something revolutionary. ġemocratic Defiance Alliance has a nice ring. The Fighters spurned my offer of free martial arts training back in 2017. The idea was to introduce some style and grace into their efforts in parliament. Restore some order and dignity. I now extend the same offer to you. Ms van Damme already has an illustrious martial arts lineage through Jean Claude. Also an award winning performance in our version of 'On The Waterfront'.

 Please let us have , in your well organized fashion, a roster of marches for the year. I look forward to collecting exhibits for testing and thorough examination for traces of offensive, racist content. Also to being part of the march of history. 

 Yours in the glorious struggle on the streets of the beloved country.


Monday, 7 September 2020

Now It Clicks

Dear EFF Heroes

 As I am in a remote location, I am unable to join in the glorious marches on that vile organisation whose name I cannot bring myself to utter. I have, instead, occupied PEP, who also parade hair products on their shelves.

 I smeared a double dose of sanitizer on my hands as a symbolic cleansing. Things went slightly awry. When I fixed an assistant with a stern revolutionary glare, she slipped me her mobile number. The revolution has no time for such frivolity. I am keeping the number for recruitment purposes. 

 Someone on Twitter jested about Pravin being behind this scandalous business. Many a true word is spoken in jest. Why has he been so silent of late? 'Beware the silence of your enemies', said Cloditus, the Roman military genius. I would carefully check Pravin's movements over the last two weeks. Also those of George Soros, Bill Gates, Trevor Manuel (and let's throw in Trevor Noah), Anton Rupert, Steve Hofmeyer, Ernst Roets and Jacob Zuma. We need to scrutinize the list of Clicks shareholders as well. These are dark times, made darker by Eskom. I believe that the illuminati are a bunch of kindergarten kids compared to the pale forces arrayed against us.

 I am delighted that, like the Daily Sun, you have not been distracted by the smoke and mirrors of corruption scandals and Eskom's ineptitude. You both focus, like twin lasers, on what really matters: zombies, tokoloshes, insulting hair product advertisements and the like. I tell you, that's what's destroying this great country. 

 Yours in the struggle to remove the head (with hair) of this hydra.


Saturday, 5 September 2020

The Good Fight

Dear Mr Malema 

 I once saw a newspaper hoarding proclaiming: 'Malema Attacks Black Lawyers'. I trust this was a verbal and not a physical attack. You do have to keep your strength up for parliament. 

I have often felt like attacking lawyers myself. They do bring out the worst in us, don't they? Fear of lawsuits restrains me. That and a punchbag on my porch, with the faces of various learned gentlemen painted on it. May I recommend this therapy to you. The satisfaction of beating a couple of silks to a pulp is immense. 

But, enough of the complex legal stuff. Will you be attacking white lawyers next? Or in a Messi-like switch downfield, maybe accountants or pharmacists (the Clicks connection)? I again suggest that the newspapers keep a one-size-fits-all template available to rush off the presses. Something like 'Malema Attacks Afriforum / WMC Press / George Soros / DA / Stellenbosch Mafia / Everest Climbers / All Of The Above. Sir, it is a pity that you are not available for Bafana. They could use your ferocity in attack. 

 The byline in question was a long time ago but (my previous blog host) disappeared like some distinguished Saxonworld residents. I was most anxious that you should see this, lest you again feel the urge. (Besides, I had nothing else to do today). 

 Yours in the struggle to resolve complex legal issues. 



Dear Clicks

 I am deeply offended. My lotto pick was a disaster. Your hair advertisement added insult to injury. Though I am male and bald, my hair would match your ad's depiction if I had any. I will not be buying hair products from you henceforth. 

Your apology is inadequate. I suggest that your entire executive and marketing team do the following.

 Take to the streets of each major city. 

Wear mourning robes. 

Shave your heads. 

Cry out 'unclean, unclean' at each intersection. 

Be gently pelted with soft-boiled eggs and an assortment of pre-loved vegetables. 

 Will this suffice? No. But you will feel better. And, oh, what fun it will be. Mr Malema, I trust that this initiative will meet your stern requirements for justice. I'm sure that you would not hesitate to do the same in the unlikely event that you cause offence in word or deed. While we're at it, could we also have the (many) corrupt politicians, tenderpreneurs, creative civil servants and covidpreneurs perform similar penance. Confession is good for the soul And entertaining. 

 Yours in the struggle for justice.


Thursday, 3 September 2020

Cadre In Waiting

Dear ANC Leadership

 I am keenly interested in any lucra...pardon....leadership position within your great organisation, SOEs, municipalities or other challenging environments.

 I have been in the struggle (to make a decent living) for as long as I can remember. I am a supporter of Radical or Conservative Economic Transformation or whichever version comes next. An EE (Ever Eager) candidate, I believe that I am uniquely qualified for a variety of possible posts. I am able to work or sleep under pressure. I am persistent and able to rise to any challenge (disciplinary enquiries, assorted allegations, non - delivery complaints etc.). 

Creativity is one of my strengths and I have always been able to rationalize the, er, justifiable fluctuations in budget and project plans. Optimistic by nature, I can see a hole in the ground as a handyman special, all - about - the - view, potential gem. 

 Frankly, I lack experience in the tenders - and - related - business field but I am a fast learner. I am prepared to be deployed or redeployed to wherever the is. I also wish to declare the following: I have never participated in the 'Voetsek Campaign' I did not smoke illegal cigarettes during lockdown (despite several offers) No drop of illegal alcohol polluted my lips As a disciplined cadre in waiting, I am never flippant about the organisation. 

Incidentally, I see the word cadre refers to a group rather than an individual. That's fine. Like many before me, I do not exist apart from the organisation. Please keep this in mind, should anything go south. My career driver is service. I am flexible about remuneration. No sum is too large.

 Respectfully Yours 


Oliver's Travels: The Land Of Saafrica

After our shipwreck upon the coast of storms, the land of the Saafricans proved to be physic for body and soul.

 The people treated us with every kindness, pressing upon us drink, victuals and a green tobacco, most calming to the senses. Their language closely approximated ours but for some few words peculiar to the region. I was soon able to pronounce the traditional, respectful greeting 'Howzit', followed by the customary response 'Hectic'. Thus enabled, it was no difficult matter to initiate conversations with the inhabitants of this beauteous and friendly land. I did remark, however, upon numbers of people who seemed to carry marks of misery upon their faces. I also encountered numerous visages clouded with what appeared to be smouldering anger. I resolved to discuss this with my host at an opportune time. 

 Desirous, as ever, of learning of their ways of government, I was delighted when my host proposed a journey to the House Of Parliament. We travelled in a fast conveyance, the driver frequently hailing other travellers with a cheerful 'Footsack'. My host explained in brief the way of government, named 'demockracy'. The people chose persons of good character and ability to serve them. I was much taken with the idea. I have observed, in the lands in which I have journeyed that the nobility rule often according to whim.

 My first impression of the servants of the people was that they were sleek, well dressed and travelled in conveyances with every appearance of wealth and luxury. These were, I supposed, honours and comforts bestowed by a grateful populace. The Speaker of the House appeared to be a personage of authority and power. I was somewhat perplexed that his duties, in the main, appeared to be beseeching members to sit or leave the house. 

Dear reader, I will not presume to pass judgement upon the customs of a land in which I am a guest. While fully cognizant that the honourable members wrestled with important matters of state, I was alarmed when, in a heated moment, they began to wrestle with one another. My host was unmoved.

 Much of the business seemed to revolve around the meaning of various words. One debate was centred around a word hitherto unknown to me. 'Fockall' is my best approximation. This must have had great significance for the well-being of the populace, for passions were clearly aroused. I trust that the outcome will be sufficient quantities of 'fockall' for the populace. My good host will doubtless enlighten me. 

 Thus ended my second day in the land of Saafrica. Dear reader, I shall be at pains to report all that I observe in this most intriguing of lands.