I am keenly interested in any lucra...pardon....leadership position within your great organisation, SOEs, municipalities or other challenging environments.
I have been in the struggle (to make a decent living) for as long as I can remember. I am a supporter of Radical or Conservative Economic Transformation or whichever version comes next. An EE (Ever Eager) candidate, I believe that I am uniquely qualified for a variety of possible posts.
I am able to work or sleep under pressure. I am persistent and able to rise to any challenge (disciplinary enquiries, assorted allegations, non - delivery complaints etc.).
Creativity is one of my strengths and I have always been able to rationalize the, er, justifiable fluctuations in budget and project plans. Optimistic by nature, I can see a hole in the ground as a handyman special, all - about - the - view, potential gem.
Frankly, I lack experience in the tenders - and - related - business field but I am a fast learner.
I am prepared to be deployed or redeployed to wherever the mon...er....need is.
I also wish to declare the following:
I have never participated in the 'Voetsek Campaign'
I did not smoke illegal cigarettes during lockdown (despite several offers)
No drop of illegal alcohol polluted my lips
As a disciplined cadre in waiting, I am never flippant about the organisation.
Incidentally, I see the word cadre refers to a group rather than an individual. That's fine. Like many before me, I do not exist apart from the organisation. Please keep this in mind, should anything go south.
My career driver is service. I am flexible about remuneration. No sum is too large.
Respectfully Yours