Tuesday 4 January 2022


 Dear Mr Ndlozi

"Whatever the cause! Whatever the intentions: IT IS A BEAUTIFUL FIRE"

We all know that schoolboy who shouted out the first thing that came into his mind.  Debating the inanity of 'brain farts' is as pointless as discussing the dangers of nyaope with an addict.

You are a big boy now. And a legislator. With that come some responsibilities. First among them is to ensure that your brain is in gear before your mouth speeds off. 

A TV news reporter said that the chamber was gutted. We, South Africans, are all responsible for that. The gutting began when we voted for representatives whose sole talent lay in regurgitating desiccated chunks of useless doggerel. It continued when we re-elected them after each orgy of buffoonery and destruction. Gutted, indeed. 

Your PhD is often mentioned, as if that should be some assurance of commonsense. I can only quote: 

'The prime contribution of many 'educated' people on our continent has been to support demagogues, buffoons and thugs in speeding us down the excrement- coated slide to ruin.' 

The waste of our tax rands aside, it must surely be difficult being in a position where you are so manifestly out of your depth. I feel for you. 

One can but pass on the advice given by the HR gurus: 'Play to your strengths'. Isn't there a good circus somewhere...?

Yours in the struggle to find logic and commonsense.


Tips for the blogger gratefully accepted 

Capitec Bank, South Africa  
O Tichmann 
+27 833970723

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