Friday 19 January 2024

Parties of Substance

Dear Fellow South Africans 

I appeal to you to make rational, sensible voting choices, as I do.

I'm currently in Cape Town and can't wait to get back to decolonised Hillbrow. I miss evening walks, redolent with the mingled fragrances of marijuana, blocked drains and gently maturing garbage. I yearn for the musical  sound of young voices cursing, screaming, laughing drunkenly.

What has the governing party done here besides provide a safe, clean, functioning city? Nothing, I tell you. The colonized city surrounds dissuaded me from taking a hit from the nip bottle in my jacket. I had a miserable time, those do-gooder, Lesufi-type public safety people watching everything. 

I attended a DA meeting. Nothing to see there. There were  boring speeches about plans to grow employment and the like. The dancing was atrocious. Not one decent insult or imaginative threat to fan the fire in one's blood.

In pleasant contrast was the meeting  where the CIC's growls, yells, threats and insults raised the gooseflesh on my arms. So moved and excited was I, that when I woke from a brief power nap, I yelled out 'Sieg Heil!' Got it all a bit confused with a documentary I'd been watching on YouTube, while listening to the speech. I quickly lowered my right arm when people turned to stare. Now that's campaigning, compatriots! The campaign promises were the stuff of sweet, shining dreams.  No half measures there.  I can't wait to get my hands on one of those wine estates. 

It was hard to choose between that meeting and the MK one that I also attended. I like to keep my options open and, in some parts, having several party cards could save one from the odd bollocking. Mr Zuma's voice soared gloriously, as he sang the poignant, timeless classic about military ordinance. I'm not sure what MK is about apart from sorting out Abelungu and the ANC. Who cares? Damned good singing and dancing. If that isn't good electioneering, then I don't know what is.

So, you see, for me it's all about competence and integrity. Can the candidate make a goosebump-raising speech? Can he / she / they hold a tune? Is the dancing faithful to tune and rhythm? Are the slogans memorable, the promises big, bold and brassy? 

Colourful T-shirts, nutritious Streetwise Two packs, braai aroma wafting on the breeze - now that's the sort of political party that gives me confidence in the future.

It's a no-brainer.

Yours in the struggle for sensible voting choices.


Tips for the blogger gratefully accepted
Tymebank , South Africa  
O Tichmann 
+27 833970723

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