Sunday, 17 May 2020

Another Virus

Another Virus
Saturday, April 18th, 2020
There is one group of bottom-dwelling scum for whom global lockdown has become a golden opportunity. This is one of the thousands (perhaps millions) of advertisements on Facebook and other social media.
Take the risk and be rich.
Believe or leave it!
Registration fee R0:00
Registration bonus R5,000
Daily earns R1500
Weekly earns R50,000
Monthly earns R80,000
instant cashout
Ask How
Would you buy a used wheelbarrow from this person? In these desperate times, many will. You’ve heard of suspension of disbelief. Here’s one definition:
Suspension of disbelief, sometimes called willing suspension of disbelief, is an intentional avoidance of critical thinking or logic in examining something surreal, such as a work of speculative fiction, in order to believe it for the sake of enjoyment.
In the lockdown scenario, it’s for the sake of any straw to clutch at in a terrifying flash flood.
The scammers have come out to play on a grand scale. The victims will be those who can least afford another kick in the ribs. There may be some corner of the universe where people earn huge sums with no investment. It’s not planet earth.
Genuine, legitimate network marketing companies exist. They are registered, have real products and / or services and there’s always an investment that has to be made. They are not a magic carpet ride to riches. Like any business, they demand hard work. There’s frustration, disappointment and everything else associated with doing business of any kind. The companies don’t usually spell that out in plain English. Most tend to go with that old song; ‘Accentuate The Positive’. That’s not illegal. It’s advertising. Is it honest? Is advertising honest? Just beware of suspension of disbelief.
As for the scum-sucking bottom-dwellers, their tricks, like the demonic forces in one of the accounts in The Good Book, are legion. Pointless to try to enumerate them. Suffice it to say that if they promise the moon at no cost, you will be left chasing after moonbeams.
Here’s a challenge for the innovators, the brilliant entrepreneurs, the philanthropists etc: what can you offer, not as a handout, but as opportunity for those who cannot afford another kick in their bruised ribs? Don’t you want to come out and play too?

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