Saturday, 23 May 2020

Roving Reporter

Roving Reporter
Thursday, April 2nd, 2020
Dear Dr Ace
We need to meet with the utmost urgency. Until we do, please, whatever you do, do not put the Range Rovers to work in the fields.
I read a most peculiar and alarming news item to the effect that you signed for tractors, but, in fact, what was delivered, was a mini - fleet of Range Rovers. I have taken steps to verify this story but my contacts at The ever - reliable Daily Sun are stretched, with zombies, tokoloshes and witches apparently using our current troubles to maximize their mischief making. I am fully aware, awake and sensitive to how fake news is allegedly manufactured and manipulated by George Soros, the Stellenbosch Mafia, the Illuminati, the Rothschilds, Anton Rupert, the WMC press, various reactionary forces and their bots, trolls, running dogs and puppets. (I am, at present, looking into the activities of one Chester Missing, of whom I have heard much).
Sir, if this is true, then I believe it is as easily explained as the Pierneef painting saga (logically laid out in ‘The Big Picture’).
I will bring brochures, models, videos and, if possible, an actual working model from John Deere to help you clearly distinguish between tractors and Range Rovers.
Till then, sir, I must repeat my earlier warning. Range Rovers are hardy, versatile vehicles. They are popular worlwide and one often sees them in action movies, pursuing, pursued, blown apart by drones etc. One thing they cannot do is plough fields. Please do keep them locked up (or down) until we have had an opportunity to chat.
Yours in the struggle to acquire appropriate equipment and vehicles.

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