Friday 22 May 2020

Pass The Salt

Pass The Salt
Wednesday, June 28th, 2017
Dear Mr Koko
First, I want to reassure you that it’s perfectly normal to live in the same house with someone and not know that they were part of a million rand deal with your company. It almost happened to me once or twice.
I once sat next to Morgan Freeman for a whole hour during a flight before I realized that he was not Nelson Mandela. What does this prove? Nothing. But I just thought I’d tell the story, as it is almost as interesting as yours.
Second, I want to thank you for bringing to public attention a condition that the medical fraternity steadfastly and stubbornly continues to ignore, despite the suffering of millions around the globe. Particularly severely affected are politicians, debtors and people accused of various misdemeanours or missteps. This condition is called atypical transient global amnesia. We have suffered for years, mocked, sneered at, and disbelieved. Now you have come forward with startling yet compelling evidence. Bravo, Mr Koko. We salute you… if only one could remember what for…
It seems you mixed up the dates on which you became aware of certain events around large transactions and family member involvement. An e-mail message apparently contradicted your first statement about this issue. I tell you, this technology is part of a devilish plot by the Illuminati or other sinister, global organization (Microsoft?). It restricts our right to present the facts as we understand them or to shape them for the greater good. Your memory loss in this instance is typical of the condition I have just described. I have experienced the same debilitating symptoms when called out by various creditors. This terrible affliction that you and I share has also reached out and touched JZ, Bill Clinton, Richard Nixon and many politicians and public figures here and abroad. We are, if not in good company, at least in ample company.
Some have suggested that it is ludicrous to aver that you could live in the same house and not discuss a billion rand deal in detail. On the contrary, say I, it’s quite normal. I picture your dinnertime conversation as follows:
“So, how was your day?”
“Fabulous. My company clinched a billion rand deal.’
“Oh, great. We signed one a few days ago. What a coincidence. Please pass the salt.”
There you have it; perfectly normal family conversation at the dinner table. We all have those.
What more can one say but: “Pass the salt.”
Yours in the quest for a cure.

Tips for the blogger gratefully accepted 

Capitec Bank, South Africa  
O Tichmann 
+27 833970723

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