Dear Public Protector
I was most alarmed when I read of the succession of court decisions that have gone against you. After all, you are the Public Protector. I can’t help wondering how you are going to protect us when you are spending so much time protecting yourself in court
We, citizens of South Africa, certainly need protection. If there is even an iota of truth in the daily reports and the many books written on redeployment of billions in taxpayer rands, then we are, and have been, under the most vicious attack imaginable. We would expect you to have seen the RED light flashing - Radical Economic Disintegration. Your predecessor produced that alarming report on state capture. Perhaps you are working on something as weighty- between court appearances. The scale of the alleged looting is, in the words of a gone and forgotten politician, too ghastly to contemplate. And yet, it seems the scuffle for the swine trough continues. The Vandals and the Goths would have been embarrassed.
It does seem as if you yourself need some protection. A friend runs a protection agency. I’m not sure exactly what he does but he takes credit for stopping the mysterious fires and acts of vandalism in businesses in our area. Please let him know that I recommended his company.
Someone was at you over people who attended one of your social functions. Excerpts from your reported reply;
”Why should I not relate to Bongo just because he is accused of a crime, I never invited Mosebenzi Zwane, he came with somebody else. Zwane is not somebody I know, he’s not my friend.
Why should we be dictated to on who we relate to or don’t?”
In particular, the last rhetorical question I agree with wholeheartedly. I plan to invite F W de Klerk, Pravin Gordhan, Trevor Manuel, members of the so-called Stellenbosch Mafia (wouldn’t Cosa Onse sound better?) and others to a post-lockdown function. Who knows who they will bring? Should the EFF and others object, my rejoinder will be along similar lines. Thank you for that. (Just by the by, I consider Mr Zwane a friend of sorts, having written glowingly of his exploits in A Passage To India).
I do hope that you have a respite soon from matters legal, so that you can get on with the job of protecting us. It appears that even during lockdown we may be in need of some protection from people reportedly over-enthusiastic about what they see as their duties.
Yours in urgent need of protection.
It's the..... You seem you need protection yourself that sent me off 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣Wow